Wednesday, February 05, 2020


Trey Rusk is the right choice for City Council

By Howie Katz

I don’t know anything about the other candidates for Dickinson city council, but I have known Trey Rusk since he was in high school.

Trey has had a brilliant career in law enforcement. As a TABC lieutenant he was able to bridge the gap between competing law enforcement agencies which is quite a feat.

Unlike many cops, Trey always treated minorities, including gender groups, with the respect and dignity they deserved. I am confident that as a city council member, Trey will treat all of Dickinson’s citizens with the same respect and dignity.

As a retired College of the Mainland professor of criminal justice, I know that Trey will make an excellent city council member and that he will serve the City pf Dickinson and all of its citizens well.

I urge all Dickinsonians to go to the polls and cast their ballots for Trey Rusk.


Trey Rusk said...

I am humbled. We go back a long way. Thank you for the endorsement.

bob walsh said...

Way to go Trey. A little action and a little accountability ALWAYS helps. (Maybe even more than a little.)