Thursday, February 06, 2020


by Bob Walsh

Many of our readers will remember Joe's famous thoughts on home protection with firearms. He said (paraphrased) "You don't need an AR-15 for home protection. You just take your shotgun out onto the back porch and fire a couple of shots into the air, the bad guys will run away."

Ignoring the fact that this advice is not only stupid and illegal, keeping an eye on Joe can be interesting.

Joe has recently offered the opinion that "The Second Amendment does not protect a magazine with a hundred clips in it" which is, interestingly enough, at least technically accurate. This bit of wisdom was offered at a $2800 per private fund raising event in Seattle last month.

At a second cheaper fundraiser also in Seattle (only $500 a plate) Joe offered the opinion that 9 mm pistols should be banned as being evil military-style weapons. In the same event he said he supported the Second Amendment.

Of course he is still "better" than Nanny Bloomberg, who would ban any weapon of any kind that holds more than three rounds of ammo.

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

Good luck with that diatribe in Texas. Pass the ammo.