Tuesday, February 04, 2020


The Democrats’ smug, sanctimonious Schiff Show impeachment debacle has gifted President Trump a Super Bowl-sized touchdown just as Election 2020 kicks off – and left them needing a Hail Mary in November

By Piers Morgan

Daily Mail
February 3, 2020

'The definition of insanity.’ said Albert Einstein, ‘is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.’

Clearly, Adam Schiff didn’t get the memo.

Which is a shame, because Einstein was arguably the most intelligent human being to ever exist.

Though one person who might question that claim is Mr. Schiff, a man whose stratospheric ego is only matched by his astonishing superciliousness.

HE thinks he’s the smartest guy in America.

I think he’s the dumbest, and I’ll explain why.

Schiff, the Lead Impeachment Manager for Donald Trump’s impeachment, was asked on CBS’ Face The Nation yesterday morning if he would have done anything differently given the Senate has now voted to reject more witnesses and will inevitably vote to acquit the President on Wednesday.

‘There’s nothing that I can see that we could have done differently,’ he replied, with that curiously smug bug-eyed smirk Schiff pulls whenever he thinks he’s saying something particularly clever.

Really, Adam?

If you had your time again, knowing how this was all going to play out, you’d still want to launch an impeachment you 100% knew had zero chance of success?

If he genuinely believes this, then Schiff is not just dumb, he’s so deluded it’s bordering on the very insanity Einstein spoke about.

By gifting Trump a Super Bowl sized touchdown just as the 2020 election year kicks off the with first caucuses, Schiff and the Democrats have played right into the hands of their opponent.

Make no mistake, this week is going to be an elongated victory lap of epic proportions for the President.

Tomorrow, Trump makes his State of the Union address to the nation, and I’ll bet every dollar I have that he spends large parts of it taunting Democrats for their failed bid to unseat him.

And you can only begin to imagine how gloating he’ll be by Wednesday when he is formally acquitted and his impeachment crashes and burns in a bonfire of Democrat vanity.

The phrases ‘fake news’ and ‘witch hunt’ will dominate Trump’s rhetoric, just as they did when he was cleared by the Mueller report of alleged Russian collusion into fixing the 2016 election.

This will not just be another massive win for Trump, it will be another massive loss for the Democrats.

And that begs the obvious question: why?

Or more fully: why did they fight a battle they couldn’t possibly win?

Schiff argues they had no choice, that Trump’s conduct with the Ukranians over an alleged quid pro quo ‘arms-for-Biden-dirt’ deal met the high crimes and misdemeanors bar for impeachment.

I never thought it did, though as I said from the start, Trump’s phone call to Ukranian president Zelensky that sparked the crisis wasn’t ‘perfect’ as he claimed but was in fact bloody stupid - and invited all the criticism that’s been heaped upon him ever since.

But it doesn’t matter what I felt about it.

The bottom line is that Republicans didn’t think it met the high bar for impeachment either.

This was confirmed when not a single one of them voted for it in the House, compared to the 31 Democrats that voted for Bill Clinton’s impeachment.

So, there was never a cat in hell’s chance of a Republican-controlled Senate ever voting to convict Trump.

Schiff knew this.

Everybody in Washington knew it.

And the US media gorging on every spit and cough of the impeachment knew it too.

This was a Dead On Arrival impeachment, one where the result was pre-determined.

So, again I ask, why did the Democrats do it?

They would have you believe it was from some high-minded notion of public duty: that the Founding Fathers compelled them to do it when they first drafted the Constitution.

‘We had no choice!’ they pronounce.

But they DID have a choice.

They could have chosen NOT to impeach, and NOT to give Trump a win for something he doesn’t deserve a shred of triumphalism over.

Instead, they pulled the trigger on a hyper-partisan political gun that was only ever going to fire bullets into their 2020 election chances.

It was the most absurd, stupid act of self-harm I’ve ever seen in modern American politics and one that I strongly believe will now help propel Donald Trump back into the White House for four more years.

Who is to blame for this catastrophic debacle?

It’s Adam Schiff.

Schiff is obsessed with Donald Trump.

I don’t just mean he’s got a bit of a problem with him, I mean he’s pathologically demented in his absolute detestation of all things Trump.

Every day since Trump was elected, Schiff’s been plotting to try to get rid of him.

For two years, Schiff assured us all that he had proof Trump colluded with Russians to fix the 2016 Election.

He kept saying it, and the U.S. media kept believing him, devoting 90% of their airtime to spewing the same ‘RUSSIA COLLUSION!’ mantra.

But the Mueller Report concluded Trump didn’t collude with Russia to fix the election. It was all bullsh*t.

Undeterred, Schiff moved straight onto Ukrainian collusion, and began shrieking about that 24/7 instead – once again aided and abetted by a frothing media equally intent on bringing Trump down.

And for a second time, it’s all going to end in abject failure.

This impeachment has been about Adam Schiff, his ego and his career.

Two years ago, as a Los Angeles Times columnist noted, just 19% of voters in his home state of California knew Schiff’s name, whereas a recent YouGov poll found that 65% of Americans nationwide now know him.

That’s a gigantic soaring of profile.

Schiff’s constant attacks on President Trump have proved very lucrative for his fund-raising too.

He raked in more than $2.5 million in the fourth quarter of 2019, and now has a total of $8.1 million in cash – a very large amount for a House member in an election year.

Predictably, Schiff’s got liberal Trump-hating stars falling over themselves in fulsome support.

‘Adam Schiff is so impressive,’ tweeted Barbra Streisand, ‘His knowledge of the law…his passion… his articulateness. His sincerity! He speaks the truth and would make a great president.’

And those last few words, I suspect, reveal the real reason for Adam Schiff’s zealous obsession with President Trump: he wants his job.

But the irony is that all Schiff’s incessant campaigning to get rid of Trump, culminating in this ridiculous impeachment, has simply served to make the President less likely to be unseated.

The polls have been moving steadily in Trump’s favor throughout the impeachment process, particularly on his handling of the economy which has seen record low unemployment and record-breaking stock markets.

And when they’re not launching D.O.A. impeachments, the Democrats are busy stabbing each other in the back as ageing – and in my view totally unelectable - socialist Bernie Sanders storms into the lead to be the party’s nominee.

Donald Trump must think Thanksgiving came early.

‘If right doesn’t mean right, we’re lost,’ said Schiff in his closing argument at the impeachment trial.

Fine words.

But putting your own gigantic ego and steely political ambition before the good of your party, and helping your Republican opponent get re-elected in the process, isn’t ‘right’.

As Einstein might say, it’s insanity.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

It's a shame Morgan is such a gun hater and gun owner hater. Many of his opinions (other than that) are fairly sensible.