Tuesday, February 18, 2020


by Bob Walsh

It seems the Nevada Democrat Caucus is not necessarily out of the woods when it comes to visits from the fuck-up fairy. People involved with the process insist that there has been inadequate training for the February 22 caucus, that they haven't even worked out the procedures they want to use, and that the backup "phone in the numbers" system, to check against the cloud information, is untested and may not be particularly secure.

Two weeks after the fact they are still fighting over the Iowa numbers. It will make the Democrats in general and the Nevada party in particular look like complete idiots if they can't do this. Unfortunately, since as they are still changing and firming up procedures as a type this, there will almost certainly be no way to reasonably give it a test drive before the big event.

Maybe the caucus really should go the way of the passenger pigeon and the dodo bird. The seven states that still use it seem to like it, at least in theory. In practice, maybe not so much.

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