Sunday, March 01, 2020


Coronavirus 'could be 1,000 times more infectious than SARS', scientists warn as they discover it plagues the body the same way as HIV and Ebola

Daily Mail
February 28, 2020

The coronavirus could be up to 1,000 times more infectious than SARS because it plagues the body in the same way as HIV and Ebola, scientists warn.

Experts initially presumed the spread of COVID-19 would follow the same trajectory as the SARS outbreak in 2002/3, because the viruses are almost identical genetically.

But they have discovered the way it binds to cells in the human body is akin to far more aggressive diseases like HIV and Ebola.

This makes it '100 to 1,000 times' more efficient at infecting people than SARS, according to researchers from Nankai University in Tianjin, northern China.

SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome, infected 8,000 people worldwide and killed 774 people in a year in 2002.

HIV and Ebola target an enzyme called furin, which is responsible for cutting and activating these proteins when they enter the body. The viruses trick furin so it activates them and causes a 'direct fusion' between the virus and the human cells.

COVID-19 binds to cells in a similar way, the scientists found.

EDITOR’S NOTE: And that buffoon Roach said Coronavirus is nothing more than a bad cold. I suppose since Trump, who awarded him the Medal of Freedom, said concussions are merely headaches, Roach figured he could say the Coronavirus is just a bad cold.

And all of a sudden people in California, Oregon and Washington state have come down with Coronavirus who have had no contact with anyone who has been to China, South Korea, Japan or Italy, or who have not been in contact with anyone showing symptoms of the virus, but as he did with concussions, Trump downplayed the seriousness of the Coronavirus crisis by calling it the Democrats’ “new hoax” during a campaign rally in South Carolina on Friday.

Donald and Roach, both suffering from diarrhea of the mouth.

Trump had not completely recovered by the time he held his press conference on Coronavirus at the White House on Saturday, pulling a Biden by calling the first patient in the US to die from Coronavirus a “wonderful woman in her late 50s,” when that patient was a man.


Trey Rusk said...

You really pulled President Trump apart. It sounded a little like CNN listening for any mistake and then enthusiastically broadcasting it.

BarkGrowlBite said...

It's OK for me to point out Biden's gaffes, but not Trump's.

The only one who has "pulled President Trump apart" is none other than Donald Trump himself.