Wednesday, March 11, 2020


by Bob Walsh

Joe Lizarraga, 56, was formerly the warden of Mule Creek State Prison near Ione, CA. It seems he retired suddenly back in September after being investigated for theft and an attempt to cover up the theft.

Allegedly Lizarraga removed as price tag from a piece of merchandise at a Interfaith Food Bank Thrift Store, then suggested to the cashier that the correct price was significantly lower than the price that he had removed. He apparently did a piss poor job of it, and the Sutter Creek P D got involved. Lizarraga was interviewed by the Chief of Police and allegedly lied his ass off. He is further alleged to have attempted to dissuade a witness from testifying by coughing up a $125 bribe. He then allegedly diverted charitable funds from the prison to attempt to persuade another witness to not testify.

Lizarrage earned $156,000 per year and is currently getting a pension of $11,500 per month. His cash-out of accrued leave, etc was over $400,000.

It is not clear whether or not any criminal charges were ever filed.

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

Stealing from a Thrift Store? Looks like he was doing pretty well. Of course living in California can be expensive so he tried to cut back on spending.