Tuesday, May 26, 2020


Ann Coulter turns on 'disloyal actual retard' Trump in Twitter rant over his criticism of former AG Jeff Sessions

Daily Mail
May 25, 2020

Former Donald Trump fan Ann Coulter yesterday went on an extraordinary Twitter rant, calling the president a 'disloyal retard' and a 'blithering idiot.'

Coulter was incensed on Sunday after Trump tweeted 'Alabama, do not trust Jeff Sessions', the latest attack by the president on his former Attorney General.

The far-right pundit said Trump's endorsement of Tommy Tuberville - Sessions' opponent in the Republican primary - showed he was 'the most disloyal human God ever created.'

The author of the 2016 book 'In Trump We Trust' went on to say: 'I will never apologize for supporting the issues that candidate Trump advocated, but I am deeply sorry for thinking that this shallow and broken man would show even some remote fealty to the promises that got him elected.'

Coulter, 58, once one of the few people who Trump followed on Twitter, has gone after the president ever since she feels he betrayed his immigration pledges, particularly his failure to build the wall.


Trey Rusk said...

Coulter's ratings have been suffering for some time. She needs to step up her game because she is quickly becoming a once was. One way to do that is to attack President Trump who is right about Sessions.

Anonymous said...

Sessions was the best attorney General our country has ever had.