Friday, March 19, 2021


by Bob Walsh

Xavier Becerra, about to be the former Attorney General of the formerly great state of California, has admitted that the registration website for assault weapons in CA is so fucked up that it is useless.  He has notified all counties in CA to put a hold on investigations and prosecutions under the law and is handing over a modest shitpile of money ( $151,999) to the plaintiffs in the federal lawsuit against it for legal fees.    The settlement also requires that, if the program gets running again, that the CA DOJ provide hard copy registration options rather than on-line only.  

The original beef goes back to 2016, when some previously not-assault weapons were reclassified as assault weapons because of what is called "bullet buttons."  When the law was changed to require that a tool needed to be used to remove the magazine from a horrible and evil "assault weapon" some bright guy figured out that a loaded cartridge could be considered as tool and the mag release button was altered so it could be operated by pushing the button in with a standard .223 caliber cartridge.  That offended the gun banners and they reacted.  

The law made zero exceptions for technical issues with the badly set up and incompetently run web site, creating felons out of people who were genuinely attemting to comply with the law but unable to do so.  The case eventually ended up in federal court.

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