Saturday, March 27, 2021



By Trey Rusk


I read today that noted Texas Author Larry McMurtry died. I like to read and Mr. McMurtry’s novel Lonesome Dove was one of my favorites. I can describe it as a story of duty, happiness, sorrow, success, regret, character and love. Yes, McMurtry even wove a love story into the chapters of Lonesome Dove. 
My take away from this book and movie was loyalty. I served with many partners during my career. At my retirement and still today I can count on one hand the persons that I would stand by and call loyal friends. A true friend is someone you keep a promise to even after they are dead. People who know what true friendship is are hard to come by. As the years go by the fewer the number becomes. That is life and death. 
Lonesome Dove tells this story well. 
So long, Larry McMurtry. Happy Trails.

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