Monday, November 08, 2021


Rittenhouse trial: Witness Gaige Grosskreutz confirms he 'raised gun first' at Kyle


By Srivats Lakshman  



November 8, 2021



                            Rittenhouse trial: Witness Gaige Grosskreutz confirms he 'raised gun first' at Kyle Gaige Grosskreutz during cross-examinationwith an insert of Kyle Rittenhouse  


KENOSHA, WISCONSIN: Social media users believe the trial of Kyle Rittenhouse is all but over, after an admission of guilt by one of his shooting victims on November 8. Taking to the stand, the prosecution's witness Gaige Grosskreutz agreed that Rittenhouse had only shot him because he raised his gun first, with the moment quickly being captured and going viral on the internet. While the net celebrated the moment, Rittenhouse opted for a calmer reaction, video from the trial shows.

The controversial teenager is on trial for the shooting of Joseph Rosenbaum, Anthony Huber, and Grosskreutz during the Kenosha protests in 2020. Support for Rittenhouse has been strong, with people even selling merchandise to help him fund his legal fight. He's also been widely criticized after he was caught wearing a 'Free as f--k' shirt after being released on bail. In many ways, Rittenhouse has become the poster boy for America's divisive politics, which has only gotten more fire since his trial.

Footage lands Grosskreutz in trouble

Also taking to the stand was Grosskreutz, who Rittenhouse shot in the arm. The original criminal complaint says Grosskreutz approached Rittenhouse with his hands in the air, but video footage shows that Grosskreutz had a gun in his hand. That evidence is what landed Grosskreutz in trouble on November 8. During cross-examination, the defense asked, "It wasn't until you pointed your gun at (Rittenhouse)...that he fired." To that, he replied, "Correct".

He later clarified that while he had his gun in his hand, he did not intentionally point it at Rittenhouse, but acknowledged that he felt there was "imminent danger". But the damage appears to have been done, at least in part. The moment Grosskreutz acknowledged the presence of his gun was widely shared on social media in a matter of minutes. One of the prosecutors can also be seen doing a facepalm in response. 

There's still a week to go in the trial, and plenty of other witnesses to be called forward, so by no means is this the end of the trial. Grosskreutz's confirmation only serves to indicate Rittenhouse may not be guilty of shooting him, but the same cannot be said for the deaths of Rosenbaum and Huber. Nonetheless, many took to social media to celebrate as if Grosskreutz's statement proved he was innocent. 

'Trial should be over'

Conservative commentator Benny Johnson tweeted, "This is it. One of the Antifa scumbags who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse just admitted that Kyle didn’t shoot until after he had a gun pointed at him. Trial over." One lawyer commented, "I've never seen ANYTHING like the cross-examination of Gaige Grosskreutz His testimony has completely supported Rittenhouse's claims of self-defense The only person Grosskreutz has incriminated is himself." One user tweeted, "Rittenhouse trial should be over immediately."

Journalist Tim Pool retweeted that and said, "case closed Rittenhouse self defense admitted by one of his attackers." Megyn Kelly also weighed in, tweeting, "Huge, huge moment at Rittenhouse trial. You don’t get many moments like this as a trial attny." Another person added, "Rittenhouse is not guilty as a matter of law, it’s not up for debate, and I can’t wait for him to sue CNN and other fake news outlets!"

When asked if he was chasing Rittenhouse before being shot, Grosskreutz denied the allegation and said he was "concerned" for the teenager's safety. Footage from the days shows Grosskreutz approach Rittenhouse, gun in hand, after the teenager shot Rosenbaum and Huber. Rittenhouse shot him in the arm in response, leading Grosskreutz to spend a week in the hospital, and requiring multiple surgeries as well as months of physical therapy.


Trey said...

Grosskreutz is very lucky he's not dead.

bob walsh said...

There is no doubt in my mind that, if this is decided on the basis of the facts and the law, that Rittenhouse will be found not guilty. Of course these days, those two considerations often have nothing to do with anything.