Sunday, November 07, 2021


Poster boy for U.S. gun control movement kills himself in jail on DUI charge: Mark Glaze, 51, who helped Obama write policy and took on NRA 'was suffering from depression'


Daily Mail

November 7, 2021



Founder of America's gun control movement kills himself while in prison on DU charge


Mark Glaze, a prominent gun control advocate, died on October 31st, leaving behind a country wrecked by gun violence without one of its most effective figures fighting for it. 

Glaze, 51, had struggled with depression and alcohol prior to his death.

He was an advisor to the Commission on Federal Election Reform led by former President Jimmy Carter and former Secretary of State James Baker before working for Everytown for Gun Safety, the largest gun violence prevention group in the country. In 2014, after a long career in public affairs and political strategy, Glaze founded his own consulting firm. 


Glaze (center) opened his own consulting practice after years of advocating for gun-control. He was took other issues to heart, including campaign finance reform, government ethic and LGBTQ rights


Glaze drew inspiration for the campaign to overturn the ban on same sex marriage, and provided a blueprint of gun control proposals for then-President Obama in the wake of the 2012 Sandy Hook Massacre, which were ultimately rejected by both Republican and Democrat senators. 

ADDENDUM: Glaze killed himself in a Pennsylvania jail in which he had been held for nearly two months.  More from the Daily Mail:

Glaze was being held at Lackawanna County Prison after his arrest on September 9th for fleeing the scene of a car accident in Dunmore, Pennsylvania. Police charged him with DUI, accidents involving deaths or personal injury, abandoning a vehicle on the highway and careless driving, according to court documents. 

1 comment:

Dave Freeman said...

Gee. What a shame.