Wednesday, January 26, 2022


by Bob Walsh

To no great surprise the San Jose City Council voted by 10-1 to require gun owners have insurance policies toc cover damages over misuse of their firearms.  They voted 8-3 to impose a $25 per year fee for each gun owned.  The council asserts that these fees and costs will "incentivize" responsible behavior by gun owners.

The mayor of San Jose asserts that gun owners cost the city $442 million per year.  The articles I read did not specify which of his bodily orifices he obtained that number from.  One of the firearms forums I follow stated that an anti-gun law firm has volunteered to represent the city for free in the expected legal actions.  

If the ordinance is again voted on in the affirmative next month it will become law and take effect in August, unless it is held up or overturned to court action, which seems pretty much guaranteed.

1 comment:

Trey said...

These are the same people that were voted into office by "We the People." It may simply be the residents of San Jose getting what they voted for. I find my assumption further bolstered by the losing recall vote on the Governor. Good Luck.