Monday, January 31, 2022


by Bob Walsh

I admit I did not follow the Manhattan DA election nearly as closely as I did the ones in SF and LA.  I can honestly say that it should have come to no surprise to the people in San Francisco and Los Angeles that they got uber-Liberal thug-huggers for prosecutors.  The guys RAN on being uber-liberal thug huggers.  

There are recall efforts under way against both DAs.  

I confess I do not know if Alvin Bragg, the Manhattan DA, was an undercover lefty or an in-your-face lefty.  Therein lies the rub.  I am conflicted.  I have limited sympathy for people who knowingly buy a bucket of shit, take it home and put it in the middle of their living room floor and then complain that it smells bad.  They knew, or at least should have known, that it would smell bad when they bought it.  Part of me say, "Fuck it, let them live with it for a while."  However there are still decent people living there (there must be a couple of dozen of them at least) who didn't vote for the commies and who are entitled to the protection of the law.  They are not getting it now.

Pivot to NYC.  Under New York law the governor, Kathy Hochul, CAN remove the DA from office.  I am not sure she wants to, but she can.  Bragg is doing some ass-covering right now after the ambush-murder of two NYC cops and is promising to prosecute the bad guy to the full extent of the law.  There was a meeting last week between Hochul and Bragg.  It is generally believed that she pointed out to him that she can throw his ass out of office if needs be and that maybe he should do something to discourage rampant violent in his city.  

Does she mean it?  Will she do it?  Will Bragg remove his head out of ass, at least a little bit, and actually prosecute those who commit acts of violence within his district?  My guess is that the answers are No, No and No.  I could be wrong.  I hope I am wrong.  I will not bet that I am wrong.  Hochul is a New York liberal.  She is maybe not stupid about it but she is.  New York City mayor Adams is a New York liberal.  He used to be a police captain, but he is still a New York City liberal.  After the shooting dead of two cops last week he came out for more gun control.  Not crime control.  Gun control.  "Gun Control" primarily impacts honest, law abiding citizens who are inclined to obey the law.  They are NOT the people causing the problems.  Criminals are.  There is a simple, tried and true way of reducing crime.  Throw criminals in jail.  That is not cheap, but it does work.

It will be interesting to see how this plays out over the next few weeks and months.  If Bragg does actually prosecute successfully and resists the pull of the psycho wing of the Democrat-socialist party, he may buy some time and some good will.  That does NOT mean he will make a basic change in the focus of his office. 

1 comment:

Trey said...

Well written and a spot on.