Wednesday, February 02, 2022


“Wall of Lasers” Will Protect Israel From Future Threats

Iron Dome has been a resounding success, but  Israel’s got its eyes set on even more futuristic weapons


Israel Today 

February 2, 2022




Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system proved itself and then some during the most recent Gaza war. But Israel isn’t stopping there. Within a year the Jewish state will deploy a new laser defensive shield the likes of which the world has never seen, said Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

Speaking at an annual conference at the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) in Tel Aviv, Bennett said the laser defense system would be battle tested in the Gaza region, where Hamas and other terror groups still periodically fire rockets into southern Israel.

Eventually, he vowed that Israel would be surrounded by a “laser wall that protects us from rockets, missiles, UAVs.”

Israel Today previously reported on this and another laser system being developed by Israeli companies.

An Israel Ministry of Defense video clip illustrating one of these systems can be seen here:

Defense officials were later critical of Bennett’s overly-optimistic timetable, and said it would likely be several more years before the laser defense system could be deployed.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

IN THEORY this is a great idea. In practice it MAY work.