Sunday, February 13, 2022


Clinton campaign paid tech workers to dig up Trump-Russia connections 




New York Post

February 13, 2022



Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign allegedly paid an internet company to “infiltrate” servers in order to link former President Donald Trump to Russia in 2016.Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign allegedly paid an internet company to “infiltrate” servers in order to link former President Donald Trump to Russia in 2016


Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign paid an internet company to “infiltrate” servers at Trump Tower and the White House in order to link Donald Trump to Russia, a bombshell new legal filing alleges.

The Friday filing from a Department of Justice prosecutor tasked with investigating the origins of the FBI’s Russian probe served to throw cold water on Democrats’ longstanding allegations of collusion.

Special Counsel John Durham filed a motion related to potential conflicts of interests in connection with the case of Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, who is charged with lying to the feds, according to Fox News.

Sussmann allegedly told the FBI he was not working on behalf of Clinton when he presented the agency with documents that supposedly linked the Trump Organization to a Kremlin-tied bank two months before the election.

The lawyer has pleaded not guilty to the charge of making a false statement to a federal agent.

Durham’s motion reportedly alleged Sussmann “had assembled and conveyed the allegations to the FBI on behalf of at least two specific clients, including a technology executive (Tech Executive 1) at a U.S.-based internet company (Internet Company 1) and the Clinton campaign.”


Special Counsel John Durham's filing alleges the Clinton campaign targeted servers in Trump Tower and the White House.Special Counsel John Durham’s filing alleges the Clinton campaign targeted servers in Trump Tower and the White House


Records showed he “repeatedly billed the Clinton Campaign for his work on the Russian Bank-1 allegations,” which involved an investigative firm, a tech executive, cyber researchers and numerous employees at internet companies, the motion reportedly stated.

In 2017, Sussmann provided “an updated set of allegations” about then-President Trump’s Russian connection to another government agency, the motion said, according to the outlet.

Among the accusations leveled at that time was that suspicious DNS lookups by Russian-affiliated IP addresses “demonstrated Trump and/or his associates were using supposedly rare, Russian-made wireless phones in the vicinity of the White House and other locations,” the motion reportedly said.

The allegations “relied, in part, on the purported DNS traffic” that Tech Executive-1 and others “had assembled pertaining to Trump Tower, Donald Trump’s New York City apartment building, the EOP, and the aforementioned healthcare provider,” according to Fox’s report.

Durham said his office found “no support for these allegations,” claiming the supposed evidence Sussmann provided was incomplete and skewed.

Trump said he was vindicated by Durham’s filing in a Saturday evening statement, adding there was a time that Sussmann’s alleged crime “would have been punishable by death.”


Former President Donald Trump said the Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann's alleged crime is "a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate" in a statement released Saturday night.Former President Donald Trump said Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann’s alleged crime is “a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate” in a statement released Saturday night


The document “provides indisputable evidence that my campaign and presidency were spied on by operatives paid by the Hillary Clinton Campaign in an effort to develop a completely fabricated connection to Russia,” the Republican former president’s statement read.

“This is a scandal far greater in scope and magnitude than Watergate and those who were involved in and knew about this spying operation should be subject to criminal prosecution.”

Republican Rep. Kash Patel, who was chief investigator of the House’s probe into Trump’s alleged Russian ties, told Fox News Durham’s filing was “definitive” evidence that Clinton’s campaign orchestrated “a criminal enterprise to fabricate a connection between President Trump and Russia.”

Former FBI lawyer Kevin Clinesmith was the first person charged with making a false statement in connection with Durham’s investigation. He pleaded guilty in 2020 to falsifying a document used by the FBI to surveil a Trump aide.




Durham Report Looks Bad For Clinton Campaign

by Bob Walsh

John Durham filed an interesting report a few days ago.  In the "factual background" report of a motion filed regarding possible conflicts of interest relating to the representation of Michael Sussman, former Clinton campaign lawyer, some very interesting stuff emerged.

It seems that the law firm the Clintons hired themselves a big wheel at a tech firm (referred to as Tech Executive 1 in the report) and a US based internet company (referred to as Internet Company 1) with the specific intent of getting into servers belonging to Trump tower and the White House in order to "establish an inference and narrative" linking Donald Trump with Russia. 

According to Durham Tech Exec 1 took took this action specifically to seek to please certain VIPs at the Clinton campaign and at a law firm involved with the Clinton campaign.

Some of this data collection went all the way back to 2014.  The intent was to establish a false narrative that people in the Trump campaign were in frequent, regular contact with evil, nasty Russians.


Trey said...

Yep. The worm may be turning. Mean tweeting President Trump may have been right all along. What say you, Never Trumpers?

Trey said...

Hillary was supposed to win. Had she won, none of this would have seen the light of day. She lost and now things are coming to light. This is bigger than Watergate or any other scandal. People should be going to jail. I wonder what will happen to all the now known false FISA warrant affidavits and congressional testimony? What about impeachments?

Now, let's get the last election audits complete. WWJD? = What will Joe do?

Get some popcorn and get comfortable. This should be entertaining.