Monday, March 14, 2022


'The theories of alcoholism are very true and it's very sad': Republican Rep. Madison Cawthorn claims Nancy Pelosi is addicted to alcohol - even though she does not drink 


Daily Mail 

March 14, 2022

Cawthorn got chuckles when he alluded to 'theories of alcoholism'
Cawthorn got chuckles when he alluded to 'theories of alcoholism'
Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-N.C.) told a room full of supporters that Nancy Pelosi has a 'drinking problem' - even though the House Speaker does not drink. 'Rules for thee but not for me I guess is Nancy Pelosi's, that's Nancy Pelosi's campaign slogan,' 
Fact-checkers have reported for more than a decade that Pelosi doesn't drink
Fact-checkers have reported for more than a decade that Pelosi doesn't drink 
Cawthorn said, tearing into Pelosi - a figure who has often appeared in GOP campaign ads and fundraising pitches. The line is a favorite of House minority leader Rep. Kevin McCarthy (Calif.). But Cawthorn went further, saying: 'I'll tell you I have to work with her every single day so please do pray for me. The theories of alcoholism are very true and it's very sad,' he said, according to video posted by Patriot Takes. His line got chuckles during the event. 
Pelosi, 81, doesn't drink, and hasn't for years. 

1 comment:

Trey said...

A long time ago a politician came to South Texas and gave a speech. I was asked to assist with the security detail. He was an admitted alcoholic. There was a bar set up at the venue and he asked if I could get him another orange juice. I asked the bartender for another orange juice for the politician. The bartender then made a screwdriver and handed it to me. I took it to the politician who drank half of it. He then told a lady next to him that South Texas oranges were the best in the U.S. Then looked over at me and said, "I'll have another, just like this one."