Friday, March 18, 2022


AOC unites LEFT AND RIGHT with post on why a No Fly Zone in Ukraine is a bad idea

Conservatives lauded AOC for understanding that the US would be thrust into World War III if it intervenes militarily in the ongoing conflict 


By Kunal Dey 



March 18, 2022



                            AOC unites LEFT AND RIGHT with post on why a No Fly Zone in Ukraine is a bad idea Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) 


Conservatives often accuse New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of having a naïve view of the world owing to her "democratic socialist" views. However, she somehow managed to unite the right and the left with her take on a no-fly zone over Ukraine.

The young Democrat leader, 32, posted a series of videos on her Instagram Stories Wednesday evening, March 16, explaining to her millions of followers that Americans who didn't want war with Russia shouldn't be pushing for a no-fly zone over Ukraine. Conservatives lauded Ocasio-Cortez for understanding that the US would essentially be thrust into World War III if it intervenes militarily in the ongoing conflict.

AOC began taking questions from her 8.5 million followers on Instagram, just moments after flaunting her new typewriter that prints in cursive. One of her followers asked her to explain the no-fly zone debate. “Can you please explain why the no-fly zone is [an] awful idea?” one question read. “There are a lot of pundits, journalists, and members of congress using this term ‘no-fly zone,’” Ocasio-Cortez replied. “Except most Americans probably don’t know that declaring a no-fly zone is essentially tantamount to a declaration of war." She added, "So if you’re not comfortable with the United States declaring war against Russia, you’re probably not comfortable with a no-fly zone."

“Why is a no-fly zone tantamount to declaring war? Is it because of enforcement?” another asked. “Yes, that’s exactly right because a no-fly zone requires enforcement," the congresswoman explained, "and if the U.S. or NATO establishes it, then that means that they start shooting down Russian aircraft directly, opening the door for Russia to retaliate against those powers directly, opening the door to escalation between nuclear powers.”

Conservatives were pleasantly surprised with AOC's take and lauded her for not stoking an all-out war.

"I don't usually agree with @AOC, but she is absolutely correct on this issue, and brave for speaking out about it. Bravo," psychologist Geoffrey Miller tweeted.

"Really appreciate this from @AOC. She’s 100% right here. When it is explained to the American people that a “no-fly zone” would mean a direct war with Russia, support for an NFZ plummets," blogger John William Sherrod added.

"Good to see her and Tucker Carlson on the same page," one Twitter user wrote.

"When she's right she's right. It's... it's not often, but she's hitting quota. No Fly Zone = "air war". They are wholly interchangeable terms," another offered.

"I’m circling this date on my calendar: the first time I’m ever agreed with @AOC," someone else quipped.

"I was not prepared for a solid take from AOC today. If Ukraine wants a no-fly zone, then let them do it. Let the MiG transfer take place or find some other way. Just as long as the US doesn’t get involved. It’s nice to see some bipartisanship for a change," another chimed in.

It's highly possible that a US or NATO no-fly zone over Ukraine leads to a full-blown skirmish depending on how it is enforced, as explained by Secretary of State Antony Blinken. “[The] president’s been very clear about one thing all along as well, which is we’re not going to put the United States in direct conflict with Russia, not have, you know, American planes flying against Russian planes or our soldiers on the ground in Ukraine,” Blinken told the press corps when asked about the possibility of an NFZ. “The president also has a responsibility to not get us into a direct conflict, a direct war with Russia, a nuclear power, and risk a war that expands even beyond Ukraine to Europe. That’s clearly not our interest.” He added, “What we’re trying to do is end this war in Ukraine, not start a larger one."

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