Tuesday, March 08, 2022


by Bob Walsh

The kerfluffle within SEIU 1000, the largest state employee union in the formerly great state of California, has intensified.

The union president, Richard L. Brown, and about 20 of his supporters, have occupied the building and chained the doors closed.  The three union vice presidents have announced that they will take unspecified "legal action" against Brown.  They locked Brown out last week and changed the locks, but he and his supporters managed to access the building during a protest and chained the doors closed with themselves inside.  (Probably a fire code violation there somewhere.)

The VPs also announced that a vote of the Board of Directors on Saturday stripped Brown of most of his power and transferred them to board member Bill Hall, who was elected Chairman of the 65-member board of directors.

The California Corporations Code has some process specifying how a member of the general membership can be suspended, including requirements for advance notice and an opportunity to be heard.  The code is extremely non-specific when it comes to suspended members of the board or other officers.

The union employs roughly 100 people at it's Sacramento office.  They are working from home just now.  

Much of Brown's support is coming from Lassen County.  The God-Emperor of California, Gavin Newsom, is attempting to close down one of the two prisons in the county.  These two prisons represent a HUGE amount of the decent paying jobs in the county and loss of half of them would be a huge blow to the county.  Brown has vowed to fight the closure.

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