Thursday, March 17, 2022


Gov. Hochul needs to find her voice on fixing the no-bail law 


Post Editorial Board


New York Post

March 16, 2022



Gov. Hochul and Andrea Stewart-Cousins. Gov. Hochul and Andrea Stewart-Cousins 


What does Gov. Kathy Hochul stand for — and when will she tell us?

Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins says Hochul supports inaction on the no-bail law, though word of mouth suggests the gov has come around to doing something about the way it keeps putting dangerous repeat offenders back on the streets.

Hochul insists she won’t negotiate in public, but that doesn’t mean she needs to stay silent.

Or, worse, pretend ignorance. “I’m looking for the data that shows me that bail reform is the reason that somehow crime is going up,” said Hochul in February. (We sent her that data, by the way.)

But “more data” is her go-to dodge. She made the same plea as she delayed lifting mask mandates, including the pernicious school-masking one.

Now, asked about ASC’s claims, Hochul’s office punted, talking only of “continuing to work with the Legislature to finalize a budget.”

So the only major state politicians openly backing Mayor Eric Adams’ drive to reduce crime in the city are Republicans, plus common-sense Democrats like Rep. Tom Suozzi.

Hochul’s silence only makes it easier for the Legislature’s pro-crime leaders to roll her. They’re already playing tough with one-house budget bills that ignore her requests (which should be demands) on mayoral control and to-go drinks.

Getting modest criminal-justice fixes done now should be a no-brainer; every day’s delay lets more dangerous criminals walk. Playing tough on this front won’t make Hochul resemble the guy she replaced (who went along with the Legislature on this madness); it’ll show she’s a leader in her own right.

If she keeps insisting on playing it “safe,” the state she’s supposed to serve is in a lot of trouble.


Dave Freeman said...

We're seeing this in big cities all over the nation. I honestly cannot figure out whether these people are willfully destructive, or just really stupid.

Trey said...

Dave, This is the changing of a nation brought to you by George Soros. New election laws must be put in place to limit campaign funding. Until that happens the Democrat/Socialists will continue to buy elections.

Dave Freeman said...

Informed voters who weren't brainwashed would never allow this to happen. This issue goes way beyond George Soros and his ilk. I really don't see things turning around.