Wednesday, June 08, 2022


George Soros-backed groups have spent $40 million to elect 75 progressive prosecutors over the last decade - meaning one in FIVE Americans now live in areas covered by his criminal justice reformers


The 91-year-old billionaire philanthropist has for the last 30 years given away huge chunks of his fortune through his Open Society Foundations


Daily Mail 

June 7, 2022


George Soros's groups have spent $40 million to elect 75 progressive prosecutors over last

Progressive groups backed by billionaire philanthropist George Soros, 91, have contributed to the election campaigns of 75 district attorney nationwide. They include some of the most controversial liberal prosecutors, such as George Gascon (top left), Kim Foxx (top right), Alvin Bragg (bottom left) and Larry Krasner (bottom right). 

'Most of these prosecutors pursue radical justice policies upon assuming office including eliminating bail, dismissing felony cases, and seeking lenient sentences while creating antagonistic relationships with their public safety partners, especially the police,' the authors of a new report into the Soros funding state. 

'Crime and violence surged following the election of many of these reform prosecutors.

'Soros is using that campaign money and the hundreds of millions more for supporting organizations to quietly transform the criminal justice system for the worse, promoting dangerous policies and anti-police narratives to advance his radical agenda,' said Jason Johnson, a former deputy commissioner of Baltimore police, and president of the pro-police action group Law Enforcement Legal Defense Fund (LELDF).



Woke San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin is RECALLED by voters in notoriously liberal city as murders soar 11% and locals furious with rising crime say his progressive policies are to blame


Woke San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin LOSES recall election


Chesa Boudin, the progressive district attorney of San Francisco, lost a recall vote on Tuesday, with 61 percent of the electorate saying he should be ousted. 

Boudin, a former public defender elected in January 2020, was made the target of a multi-million-dollar recall campaign earlier this year by residents who say the city has become an increasingly unsafe place to live due to his soft-on-crime policies. 

The districts of Haight-Ashbury, Castro and the Mission backed Boudin, but the rest of the city was against him. 

London Breed, the Democrat mayor of San Francisco, will choose Boudin's replacement.

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