Wednesday, June 08, 2022


By Bob Walsh



The recall campaign against Boudin, which was funded mainly by local business groups, accused the attorney of not doing enough to keep citizens safe, and introducing policies that allowed repeat offenders to commit crimes without fear of incarceration

The recall election results gave Chesa a splitting headache


The uber-liberal progressive-Commie D.A. Chesa Boudin is about to be thrown out on his ass.  By a vote of 60%-40% the voters of San Francisco, some of who are actual citizens, decided that they had had enough of him being an activist for the criminal class instead of for the non-criminal class. 
Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, Chesa Boudin's radical leftist parents, spent decades in prison after taking part in a botched armored vehicle robbery that left three dead
Kathy Boudin and David Gilbert, Chesa Boudin's radical leftist parents, spent decades in prison after taking part in a botched armored vehicle robbery that left three dead, including a cop. Pictured the parents with baby Chesa

Once the vote is certified he will have ten days to clean out his desk and leave.  The Mayor, London Breed, who is a liberal and a hypocrite but not a complete moron, will get to appoint his successor.  With luck she will appoint someone who believes that dangerous criminals should be locked up and that property crime really is crime.
Billionaire investor George Soros has said the “biggest and most frightening setback” to open societies comes from India(AFP)       Billionaire George Soros is very disappointed by recall election results

This may be wishful thinking but with a bit of luck this will give the impetus to throw out George Gascon down in Los Angeles and maybe a few other of George Soros' buddies in prosecutors spots around the country.

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