Wednesday, June 15, 2022


By Bob Walsh


A hand crew from the California Department of Corrections Malibu conservation camp waits down canyon after beating a hasty retreat as a wall of flames fills the canyon behind them
The formerly great state of California used to use a LOT of inmate firefighters.  They still have a fair number but changes in the law have placed many of the inmates used for this sort of work in county custody rather than state custody, making the available labor pool MUCH smaller.

Some of these firefighters would like to continue their career.  However they face a significant roadblock.  Most fire departments in CA require that their firefighters also be EMTs.  But CA licensing requirements, the strictest in the country since 2010, prohibit any person from having an EMT license if they have EVER been convicted of two more felonies and have had any felony conviction within ten years of applying for the license.  

A three-judge panel of the federal Ninth District Court of Appeals has just ruled that this restriction is completely reasonable.  

EDITOR'S NOTE: I believe the court blew this one.  These inmates risk their lives battling California's wildfires. I see no compelling reason why ex-con firefighters should be denied the opportunity to serve as firefighters after they have been released from prison.   


Trey said...

I agree with you. If any place needs Firefighters, it's California.

Dave Freeman said...

Ever worked a fire camp? I have. The inmates that work those fires do pretty well most of the time. Until they start assaulting each other and riot. I've been through a couple of those. Not a whole lot of fun...and not something you want to have happen around vulnerable citizens in an emergency situation, like say...a fire. That's the trouble with inmates (and ex inmates). They are unpredictable. And they can be violent.

Trey said...

Dave, "What we've got here is a failure to communicate."

Dave Freeman said...

Oh I dunno Trey. I think I communicated my position rather well.