Monday, June 06, 2022


Israel Touts Game-Changing, Super Cheap Laser-Based Missile Shield

“This is a global game-changer for Israel and the free world,” said Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett


Israel Today 

Israel's Iron Dome has proved itself very effective, but it's also still very expensive to operate, giving terrorists with their cheap homemade rockets an upper hand economically. Thus, Rafael Advanced Defense Systems developed the Iron Beam (pictured) which uses a cheap high-powered, ground-based laser to intercept threats in the air 


A laser-based defense system Israel plans to deploy next year to block enemy rockets and drones will cost just $2 per interception, noted Prime Minister Naftali Bennett.

Bennett explained last week to the annual conference of the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) how Israel would not only improve its defenses, but undercut its enemies financially:

“Ahmed is sitting in Khan Yunis, loading the launcher with a self-made rocket that costs a few hundred dollars and is shooting it at Israel. Meanwhile, the Iron Dome interceptor [to stop that rocket] costs us tens of thousands of dollars. This is an illogical equation that allows Ahmed to launch more and more rockets while we spend millions… This is not a sustainable equation.

“We decided to break this equation… In about a year, the IDF will deploy a laser interception system. …This will allow us to surround Israel with a laser wall that protects us from missiles, rockets, UAVs and other threats. In fact, it will take away the strongest card the enemy has against us.

“The economic equation will be reversed; they will invest a lot and we will invest a little. If it is possible to intercept a missile or rocket with just an electric pulse that costs a few dollars, we will have nullified the ring of fire that Iran has set up on our borders. The whole thing no longer pays off.”

In a short video clip posted to Twitter, Bennett touted what’s being called the “Iron Beam” missile shield as a genuine game-changer.

Israel’s Ministry of Defense and Rafael Advanced Defense Systems announced the completion in April of a series of tests using a high-powered, ground-based laser to intercept threats in the air.

The laser shot down unmanned aerial vehicles, mortars, rockets and anti-tank missiles during the trials.

1 comment:

bob walsh said...

Necessity is the mother of invention. When pretty much all of your neighbors seriously want to kill you (not just defeat you but kill you) you need to be able to take care of yourself.