Monday, June 06, 2022


By BobWalsh

Kathy Boudin, a former member of the radical group Weather Underground, served time for felony murder and robbery after a "Robin Hood" scheme gone wrong. Her son, San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin, shares her ultra-liberal beliefs — and is now facing a recall election on June 7. Kathy Boudin, (insert), a former member of the radical group Weather Underground, served time for felony murder and robbery. Her son, San Francisco DA Chesa Boudin shares her ultra-liberal beliefs -- and is now facing a recall election on June 7


Chesa Boudin is the uber-liberal District Attorney for the City and County of San Francisco.  He will face a recall Tuesday and, if the polls are calling it right, he will probably get the boot.

Boudin has done pretty much everything in his power to ensure that criminals were either undercharged or not prosecuted at all.  Juvenile offenders were charged as juvenile offenders no mater WHAT their crime was or WHAT their record was like.  

At one time not that long ago SF was a solid, blue collar working class city.  The liberalism of the 60s and the following tech boom put the kibosh to that, but even liberals seem to object to rampant runaway violent crime, stores closing because massive in-your-face shoplifting is NEVER prosecuted and they are getting tired of dodging piles of human shit and discarded needles in their doorways.

Maybe, just maybe, the rightous will prevail.
Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon is taking shots at a railroad company that begged for his help to stop train thefts
Los Angeles District Attorney George Gascon
It is looking like the recall against L A County D A George Gascon is likely to go ahead.  The people pushing it need only an additional 60k good signatures or so and have a month yet to get them.

The entire L A County District Attorney's Association has voted to support the recall.  Gascon has recently been TWICE bitch-slapped by the courts in CA.  They have informed him that he isn't God and can't make his own laws.  He is required by law to prosecute 3 strikes cases as three strikes cases and is required to add gang and gun enhancements to some criminal complaints.  He has been refusing to do so, citing his discretionary authority as prosecutor.  The appeals court remind him just a few days ago that he is NOT a sovereign authority and must follow the law, even laws he doesn't like.  

It seems likely thus far that, if that anti-Gascon crowd can get the measure on the ballot this coming November they will succeed in ousting him.  Even his own staff hates him so he isn't getting any love or support there.


1 comment:

Dave Freeman said...

Too little too late. But it's a start.