Sunday, June 12, 2022


By Bob Walsh

 Sarah Pain is taking the New York Times to court, claiming defamation                                                   Sarah Pain    

The great state of Alaska has one congressional representative.  That seat is open and an election is under way to fill that seat.  The primary was just held.  The idea is to winnow the field down from 48 to the top 4, regardless of party affiliation, for the next election.  

Sarah Palin is far ahead with 29.8% of the vote, followed by fellow Republican Nick Begich with 19.3%, independent Al Gross with 12.5% and Democrat Mary Peltola with 7.5%.  Santa Claus, listed as an independent-progressive democratic socialist, pulled 4.5%.
So far their are about 110,000 votes counted out of about 140,000 cast.  

The prior office holder died in March at the age of 88.  This election is for the current term which expires, as do all house seats, in January.  No news service has yet "called" the winner.

1 comment:

Trey said...

For what it's worth, I endorse Sarah Palin.