Sunday, June 12, 2022


By Bob Walsh

HR7910 is the new "prohibit everything" gun regulation proposal recently passed by the House of Representatives.  Some sections of it are so broadly written that they could be truly chilling.




YEAS - 223

NAYS - 204

Note: Lawmakers from the majority party (Democrats) in sentence case. Lawmakers from the minority party (Republicans) italicized.

One section, I believe it is 301, prohibits assembly of a functioning firearm from parts unless you have a manufacturers license.  It does not say anything about an already existing firearm.  It could be reasonably (?) interpreted as prohibiting you from disassembling your own firearm for maintenance and then putting it back together.  This is one of the problems that arises when people with zero technical knowledge write bills on technical subjects.

I realize that this has pretty much zero chance of passing the senate.  Still it should tell you something about the people we have elected to make government decisions for us.


Trey said...

If I'm a gunsmith, can I repair or replace an AR-15's broken part for a customer? The reason I never carried an AR-15 on the job is because on Qualification Day I would see them jam. AR's were considered junk in Viet Nam because sand or mud would incapacitate them. I wonder if there is going to be a Law Enforcement provision to allow repairs or part replacements?

I'll stick with my old Rugar stainless steel Mini-14 that has never been considered an assault weapon even though it is capable of the same rate of fire with the same ammunition.

bob walsh said...

That is about as close to a straight party line vote as you can get. Not 100%, but close.