Monday, October 10, 2022


By Bob Walsh


Nicola SturgeonScotland's First Minister Nicola Sturgeon 


The Scottish government is still / again moving towards getting themselves out of the United Kingdom.  First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has asserted that even if she loses her case in front of the Supreme Court she will continue to push the matter.  She hopes that she will get permission to hold a new independence referendum even if the U.K. government does not grant permission.  That court case is to begin this week.

The First Minister is a member of the Scottish National Party that is working hard to take Scotland out of their 300 year old membership in the United Kingdom (which was imposed by force).  Scotland has a semi-autonomous government now.  Scotland voted substantially to STAY in the European Union even though the rest of the U. K. voted to get out.  The last Scottish Referendum vote was polled right up until election day as less than 1%, too close to call.  The actual vote was 11% against splitting Scotland off.  I guess that means people lie to pollsters over there too.  

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