Published by an old curmudgeon who came to America in 1936 as a refugee from Nazi Germany and proudly served in the U.S. Army during World War II. He is a former law enforcement officer and a retired professor of criminal justice who, in 1970, founded the Texas Narcotic Officers Association. BarkGrowlBite refuses to be politically correct.
(Copyrighted articles are reproduced in accordance with the copyright laws of the U.S. Code, Title 17, Section 107.)
Biden's Deputy Assistant Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposition
Sam Brinton is gender-fluid and
prefers the pronouns "they" and "them," Why do I give a shit? Because
Sam is a senior U S official with the Department of Energy in the Biden
administration and is concerned with the disposal of hazardous nuclear
waste. "They" were previously known as Sister Ray Dee O'Active in a
drag queen show.
"They" have just been arrested and charged with theft
of a Vera Bradley suitcase worth over $2,000 not including the contents
at the Minneapolis / St. Paul airport on September 16. Sam was observed
removing the tag, stashing it in the purse "they" were carrying and
walking quickly away. It probably was not an honest mistake as Brinton
had not checked a bag on on the flight. Sam tried to call it an honest
error on "their" part.
are a graduate of MIT. "They" are also currently on leave from the
DOE Sam is a civil service employee and not a political appointment
and has had the gig since June. "Their" gig is/was Deputy Assistant
Secretary of Spent Fuel and Waste Disposal.
DOE appears to be waiting for the fallout from the arrest before making further decisions about Brinton's employability.
EDITOR'S ADDENDUM: It's absolutely sickening that our president would pick such a pervert for any position in his government. Get out of my way, I'm about to puke.
Here are some pictures from the Daily Mail that show what a creep the Biden administration chose for a high government position:
Sam Brinton, as a pup handler, in
a 2016 issue of 'Metro Weekly' with 'Nubi'. Brinton was last month
appointed to a job in the Department of Energy
Brinton shown in social media images. They recently announced they had been appointed to a role in the Department of Energy
Brinton in 2018, teaching a class called 'Kink 101' at The University of Nebraska, Omaha,
Brinton is shown as Sister Ray
Dee O'Active, singing a song in honor of 'Daddy Fauci' at the Sisters of
Perpetual Indulgence Lavender Mass in 2021
Sam Brinton attends The Trevor
Project's Trevor in 2019. They are a survivor of conversion therapy and
regularly speaks at events about their experience
Brinton with the rest of the
Sisters of Indulgence. They say in their bio on the Sisters' website
that they started their 'journey' as an 'Altered Boy' and is now a proud
I wonder how many other perverted creeps like Brinton are part of the Biden administration?
This does not make me nervous, but it really pisses me off because it's just one more example of how Biden and the Democrats are destroying our once great country.
This is one of the final photos of the four victims, pictured just hours before their deaths.
A neighbor of the four murdered University of Idaho students has denied rumors online that he may be responsible for the shocking crime — and blasted the “ruthless” social media sleuths behind the dangerous speculation.
Jeremy Reagan, a third-year law student who describes himself as
“socially awkward,” has attracted attention on social media for publicly
opining about the stabbing deaths of four friends while they slept in the small college town of Moscow.
“I didn’t do it. I have nothing to hide. I’m willing to give DNA, fingerprints, whatever they need,” an exasperated Reagan told CourtTV on Tuesday.
When asked what he believed the speculation stemmed from, Reagan
suggested it could be his lack of composure when giving interviews.
“I’m naturally an awkward person, just my mannerisms, the way I talk …
my natural person, just a little bit socially awkward so I might smile
at points that I shouldn’t, I might make weird hand movements when I
shouldn’t,” he said.“I
didn’t do it. I have nothing to hide. I’m willing to give DNA,
fingerprints, whatever they need,” third-year law student Jeremy Reagan
Reagan has described the off-campus home where the killings took place as a party house.
He told NewsNation’s “Banfield”
that people have been “ruthless” in their comments and that he reached
out to a prosecutor amid speculation that he has refused to provide DNA
“Officers came by
my house today (Tuesday). They talked with me, they interviewed me.
They didn’t bring anything to collect DNA today,” Reagan said on the
“They said, ‘If we need you, will you come down to the station?’ I
said, ‘Absolutely,’” he said, adding that he didn’t know anyone at the
off-campus home where the students were killed.
Police removed five cars from the victims' off-campus house. The cars were removed two weeks after the start of the investigation.
Reagan also acknowledged that he is now carrying a gun.
“Just having it on me gives me that extra sense of security,
especially now where cyber sleuths may or may not come,” he said on
“They’ve already contacted my friends asking questions about me. And
so who knows if someone’s gonna go so far as to try and confront me in
Social media users have described Reagan as “strange” after his multiple TV appearances.
Many internet sleuths have described Reagan as “strange.”
“Why is Jeremy Reagan wearing a black bandage on his left hand? I’m
not accusing him but that’s just strange. He also doesn’t blink when he
says ‘No, I went to bed.’ Just strange,” one user said on Twitter.
Another suggested that Reagan might be guilty of the murders, writing that
“many perps in the past have inserted themselves into the investigation
or did a bunch of media interviews about the killings.
perps in the past have inserted themselves into the investigation or
did a bunch of media interviews about the killings,” one Twitter user
“And this guy is doing just that! That’s 1 of my many predictions on this case,” the person added.
Last week, Reagan was quoted in The Post, where he described the home where the students were slain as a party house.
“There were parties that were kind of loud,” he said. “As I would
take my dog in and out to go to the bathroom, I would just be walking
by, I would look up and I would see people in the windows almost every
night, probably four or five nights a week.”
The victims — Kaylee Goncalves, 21, Madison Mogen, 21, Xana Kernodle, 20, and Ethan Chapin, 20 — were each stabbed to death by an intruder as they slept in their beds around 3 a.m. Nov. 13.
Police have yet to name a suspect or a motive and the murder weapon is still missing.
concern about increasing violence in “the West Bank” and about the
approaching demise of Palestinian Authority chairman Mahmoud Abbas, the
United Nations is ramping up international antipathy towards Israel.
The United Nations is fully onboard with the Palestinian agenda to erase Israel from the map.
The head of the world’s largest diplomatic institution Tuesday put
his stamp on the biggest lie of our time, validating as lawful the Arab
theft of ancestral Jewish land, endorsing the fable of Palestinian
nationhood, and ever-firmly fixing the Israel-is-evil viewpoint in
universal thought.
Addressing the annual “International Day of Solidarity with the Palestinian People [SIC]” in New York, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres made it clear that the violence in Judea, Samaria and Gaza is not attributable to vicious and intractable Islamic antisemitism, nor to Arab terrorism or rejectionism.
UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres blamed Israel for the violence in Judea, Samaria and Gaza
The “drivers of the conflict,” he insisted, are the existence of
Jewish communities in Judea and Samaria, and Israel’s efforts to ensure
the security of its people there. That the blame is primarily Israel’s
was indisputable.
And the solution, declared Guterres, is to allow
free movement in and out of the Gaza Strip, to improve the livelihoods
of Palestinian Arabs, and to support UNRWA, the UN refugee agency
exclusively established for (and mostly staffed by) these Arabs.
Not a word was breathed about holding the PA and Hamas accountable for the endless, bloodthirsty incitement against Israel;
no condemnation of the resultant Arab attacks on Jewish civilians
(including two murdered just one week earlier in a double bombing attack
in Jerusalem); nothing about addressing the anti-Israel hatred that is
systemic in Palestinian Arab culture.
Just condemning the terrible Israelis, and making love to the poor Arabs.
“[W]alk a mile in the shoes of Palestinians,” UNGA President Csaba Kőrösi
appealed to the hall of delegates, so that you can feel what they feel,
and then bring “the leverage of your governments” to bear.
UNGA President Csaba Kőrösi urged UN delegates bring “the leverage of your governments” to bear against Israel
For decades now, by bombarding the international community with
falsehoods about Israel, and feeding the antisemitism that is
proliferating globally, the UN – along with other political bodies like
the European Union – has been demonising the Jewish state even as it has
worked to legitimise a Palestinian one.
The Palestinian Arab guest of honour, Riyad Mansour told the New York gathering that Israel was “colonising” the “West Bank” and “dismembering our homeland.”
He appealed to the UN to “mobilize and intensify its efforts to put
pressure on Israel to end its occupation and stop its crimes”. And he
called for full UN membership for the “State of Palestine.”
last year had “witnessed more [Jewish] violence [he called it ‘settler
terrorism’] against our people and their Christian and Islamic holy
Despite this, he continued creatively, “the Palestinian
people … will not abandon the culture of peace that is deeply rooted
within us and will continue to pursue peaceful resistance.”
facts are these: Israel’s presence in Samaria and Judea does not
constitute any form of colonialisation, and there is not, nor has there
ever been, a Palestinian homeland.
In 2022, acts of Arab terrorism in Israel increased by over 300 percent, with more than 30 murdered. IDF anti-terrorism operations in Samaria and Judea have foiled some 500 attacks over the past year.
Tuesday’s hate fest followed the October call
by the UN’s open-ended “Commission of Inquiry investigating rights
abuses in Israel, the West Bank and the Gaza Strip” for the Security
Council to end Israel’s “permanent occupation” and for individual UN
member states to prosecute Israeli officials.
All this reveals how deeply the perversion of modern history has become ingrained in the world’s collective mind.
For its part the US, which did not attend Tuesday’s event, and President Joe Biden’s ambassador to the UN has charged the organisation with having a “lopsided focus” on Israel.
But America is far from innocent in this. While Washington insists
that it “has Israel’s back, ” it was the administration of Biden’s
previous boss, Barack Obama, that facilitated the passage of Security Council Resolution 2334 in December 2016.
resolution (and it is important to remember that, unlike General
Assembly resolutions, those passed in the SC are deemed to have legal
weight) categorised Judea and Samaria, including “East Jerusalem,” as
incontestably “Palestinian territory” and declared that the
establishment of settlements by Israel has “no legal validity and
constitutes a flagrant violation under international law.”
And the USA’s latest, deeply problematic step? As addressed by Bassam Tawil
in a November 30 article for the Gatestone Institute, on the same day
as the Jerusalem twin bus station bombing, a senior US State Department
official announced the Biden administration’s appointment of a new
“special representative for Palestinian affairs.” This is the first time the US has created a State Department position exclusively to deal with the “Palestinians.”
was, wrote Tawil, “yet another sign of how the US is rewarding the
Palestinians, as they are the Iranian regime, for their ongoing toxic
incitement and terrorism against Israel.”
The world is, quite
literally, gathered together against this nation and its capital. God
speaks into just such a scenario when He says, as recorded in Zechariah
“It shall be in that day that I will seek to destroy all the nations that come against Jerusalem.”
A young Jewish boy is evacuated from Hebron by ambulance after being ambushed by a gang of Palestinians. Many of the daily Palestinian attacks might be "low-level," but they are incessant, and no less deadly.
You won’t hear about it in the mainstream media, which tends only to
pick up a story in which someone was killed or seriously wounded, but
less deadly attacks are being carried out against Israeli Jews on a
daily, and sometimes hourly basis.
To give you an idea of what
Israelis, and particularly those Israelis who live in the biblical
heartland of Judea and Samaria (the hated “settlers”) must contend with,
the following all happened during the last 24 hours:
Jewish boys–aged 14, 12 and 10–were ambushed by a gang of Palestinian
Arabs in Hebron and sprayed with pepper spray. They were then beaten and
stoned. Two were treated for injuries, one of whom had to be evacuated
to a Jerusalem hospital, where his condition later improved.
Outside the small Jewish village of Givat Gal near Hebron,
Palestinians hurled stones at Jewish motorists. A 20-year-old Israeli
man was treated for injuries.
A Palestinian man pretending to harvest olives suddenly began hurling stones at Jewish motorists on a highway in Samaria.
Palestinians hurled stones at a minibus near the biblical town of Shiloh, lightly injuring a 35-year-old Israeli passenger.
hurled stones from a moving vehicle at Israeli cars coming in the
opposite direction (apparently to increase impact). Damage was reported,
but mercifully no injuries.
A young female IDF soldier was
purposefully rammed by a Palestinian motorist north of Jerusalem. She
remains in hospital with a serious head injury. This much was reported
by Israeli media. Left out was the utter brutality of the attack. The
terrorist driver dragged his victim hundreds of meters before finally
being stopped at a police checkpoint.
There are no doubt
additional incidents that went unreported entirely. The bottom line is
that decades of man’s efforts to achieve peace in this little sliver of
land seems to have accomplished little.
Bradley Johansson, 64, owns a couple of trucking companies in SoCal.
Back in 2014 he directed two of his maintenance employees to weld up an
oil tanker that had not been completely cleaned and purged. It blew up
killing one of the men. Johansson had spent 15 months in federal
custody for a pretty much identical piece of stupidity back in 1993. He
changed the name of the company but continued to operate with equipment
that had been ordered out of service.
has just been ordered to do ten years as a guest of the people as well
as pay a hefty fine. Two other men, including his safety manager are
also looking at federal time for fraud and conspiracy.
addition to the fraud and illegal repairs there was some income tax
problems involved with the situation. Johansson also apparently
received almost $1 million in Covid relief funding fraudulently.
The San Francisco Police Department has received
permission from the Board of Supervisors to deploy robots with lethal
force capabilities under certain limited, rare cases.
a racaus debate the policy was approved by an 8-3 vote. Among other
things one of two specified Department command personnel must approve
any such use.
This action
was made necessary due to AB 481, a law passed in 2021 which mandates
that law enforcement agencies must get approval from their governing
bodies regarding policies on the use of their equipment.
The Oakland PD backed off on a similar request.
of the SFPD robots currently in use could easily be set up with a
firearm. Some of them are capable of being set up with breaching
The first
documented use of a deliberately lethal law enforcement robot in the U.S. was in Dallas in 2016. The Dallas PD deployed a robot with an
explosive charge mounted on it with the intention of killing a shooter
who had killed five Dallas cops.
With subway crime still rising, serious enforcement is the only answer
By Post Editorial Board
New York Post
November 28, 2022
The MTA and NYPD need to enforce the new Code of Conduct which includes fines for farebeating and other violations.
Subway crime is still headed the wrong way, and it could get worse if
the MTA and NYPD don’t enforce the official Code of Conduct.
As Monday’s Post reported,
felonies in the subways are up 40% this year through October over the
same period last year. And, no, that’s not just because riders are
returning: Violent crime (including three murders) was up 45% last month
over October 2019.
Yes, it’s great that Gov. Kathy Hochul has the state funding NYPD
overtime to put more cops in the transit system — but that’s a stopgap
measure, since OT is inherently limited.
Plus, the subway crime wave is part of overall soaring city crime, which NYPD Commissioner Keechant Sewell warned again on Monday is spurred by the state’s botched criminal-justice reforms.
NYPD K-9 teams patrol the subways.
Then again, an earlier “reform” also plagues the subways: then-District
Attorney Cy Vance’s 2018 decision to stop prosecuting most farebeating
cases, a policy later adopted by other DAs. As we warned then and since,
this opened the door to far greater lawlessness underground: Once you
break the rules to enter the system, you’re likely to break bigger rules
inside it.
Happily, the new MTA Code of Conduct
— fully endorsed by Mayor Eric Adams — includes independent fines for
farebeating as well as for lingering over an hour in stations and other
trademark vagrant behavior. New Yorkers need cops on transit duty
enforcing these rules relentlessly, or the subways are all too likely to
turn even more dangerous.
Palestinians Threaten to Assassinate Israeli Gov’t Minister
Islamic Jihad says Itamar Ben-Gvir will die; He responds: It’s time to crush Palestinian terrorism.
Israel Today
Itamar Ben-Gvir is a proponent of full Jewish sovereignty, and for that the Palestinians want him dead.
A spokesman for the Palestinian Islamic Jihad terrorist organization threatened on Monday to assassinate Itamar Ben-Gvir, the right-wing nationalist Israeli lawmaker who will be the first “Minister of National Security” when Benjamin Netanyahu’s new government is formed.
The terrorist spokesman said that Ben-Gvir would “share the same fate as that of Rehavam Ze’evi,” the right-wing lawmaker who was assassinated at a Jerusalem hotel in 2001 while serving as Minister of Tourism.
Islamic Jihad terrorist holds Koran at Gaza rally
It’s far from the first time Palestinian terrorists have threatened
to kill Ben-Gvir, a hardline nationalist who insists on Jewish
sovereignty and expelling any Arabs who are disloyal to the Jewish
state. Israel’s Shin Bet internal security agency says it foiled a Hamas attempt to assassinate Ben-Gvir in May of this year.
response to this latest threat, Ben-Gvir called for the speedy
establishment of the new right-wing government so that he and his
colleagues could get down to the business of “crushing the Islamic
Richard Rubio: "Hey Mr. Officer, look at what that man done to my face! I want to charge him with pistol whipping me."
CHICAGO, IL — Prosecutors say a Chicago man disarmed a would-be
carjacker and beat him with his own firearm on Saturday. It happened
just east of Midway Airport, at the intersection of 56th Street and
Kolin Avenue.
Moments after a man parked near the intersection, a gunman wearing a
ski mask walked up to the front passenger door, pointed a gun at the
woman sitting in the passenger seat, and ordered her out. The woman
complied, and the hijacker walked to the driver’s door as the man was
getting out from behind the wheel, prosecutors said.
He demanded the victim’s wallet, but the man said he didn’t have one
and asked if he could simply get his phone out of the car before the
gunman took it. The hijacker refused and said he would be taking the
phone with him.
He was wrong about that. Very, very wrong.
As the hijacker prepared to enter the victim’s car, the man lunged at
him and grabbed his gun, prosecutors said. The two men fell to the
The victim applied a chokehold to the hijacker and punched him over
and over and over again until the offender finally let go of the gun.
Then, the victim took control of the weapon and used it to beat the
hijacker while the female victim called 911, prosecutors said. When
Chicago police officers arrived, the victim let go of the carjacker so
he could be taken into custody. The cops found a 9-millimeter ghost gun
nearby but never located its ammunition magazine.
Prosecutors identified the beaten hijacker as Richard Rubio, 30. He
is charged with attempted aggravated vehicular hijacking with a firearm
and attempted armed robbery.
Rubio’s defense attorney said he is trying to get a truck driving license.
Judge Mary Marubio ordered him to pay a $10,000 bail deposit to get out of jail on electronic monitoring.
LEAGUE CITY, TX (November 28, 2022): An arrest has been made of a suspect involved in an aggravated robbery that took place at Kroger, 200 S Egret Bay Blvd, on November 14, 2022.
On November 14, 2022, a black male entered a vehicle and stole a 61-year-old woman’s purse as she was loading her groceries in the Kroger parking lot. She attempted to get her purse back from the suspect as he was driving away. She was then drug approximately 250 yards out of the parking lot and northbound on Egret Bay Blvd. The suspect then drove into traffic with the victim hanging onto the outside of the car. The suspect swerved towards another vehicle to knock the victim loose from the car by striking her body into the rear of another vehicle where she was left lying in the roadway with multiple lacerations and contusions.
League City Police detectives collaborated with officers from Webster Police Department, Houston Police Department, and Kroger’s Organized Retail Crime Division while investigating this case.
On November 22, 2022, 30-year-old, Jamell Anthony Hurst of Houston was arrested and charged with Aggravated Robbery. Hurst is currently being held in the Galveston County Jail on a $500,000 bond.
Jamell Hurst is also a person of interest in over a dozen purse-snatching robberies in the Greater Houston Area.
NYC Councilman Keith Powers introduced a bill in August that prohibits landlords from getting access to criminal histories of tenants and is gaining support from newly elected politicians.
It seems that NYC is about to
pass an ordinance making it illegal for a landlord to do a public access
criminal background check on perspective tenants.
You get the government you vote for. Suck it up dipshits.
Norris Johnson, 60, is a lawyer in the Sacramento area. He has filed
many thousand ADA lawsuits over the last 20 years and made a very good
living at it. Some of them have been dubious and many of his
settlements appear to have been 'take the money and go away"
He is
expected to plead guilty today on a single count of tax fraud in federal
court and is likely to get a term of home confinement. He is in a
wheel chair and unfortunately wheel-chair restricted prisoners are a
significant management problem.
mouthpiece has repeatedly emphasized that his conviction strictly
relates to his tax problems and has nothing whatsoever to do with past
time of suing businesses over ADA issues. The maximum penalty is
$250,000 restitution and 36 months in the can. He is expected to get 18
months home detention and the restitution. It is possible he would
still be allowed to "visit" businesses during his home confinement and
then be allowed to sue them if they were not fully ADA compliant. At
least some of his lawsuits were based on his driving by a small business
and believing their wheel chair access appeared to be inadequate.
At least it didn't last Friday for four young men in
DeKalb County, Georgia. Jacqueze Grier, 23, Taneaious McCune, 18, and
an unnamed 15-year old male attempted to break into an occupied house
during the afternoon. The occupants were not amused and one of them
expressed his unhappiness with gunfire.
died in route to the hospital. The others are in custody with some
extra holes in their body facing felony murder charges for the death of
their cohort. In addition Telvin Thomas, 30, showed up later at the
hospital with a gunshot wound and was also arrested for participation in
the debacle.
A Michigan State Police vehicle blocks off the area of the crash and shootout near the intersection of Wyoming and Tireman Avenues in Detroit Sunday afternoon
A police chase through Dearborn involving a
vehicle that was believed involved in a missing person case ended in a
shootout with a suspect who was killed and the grisly discovery of human
remains in the trunk of the car, authorities said.
Dearborn police began pursuing the vehicle Sunday afternoon as part of an endangered missing person investigation, according to Michigan State Police tweets.
Police lost the vehicle during the pursuit but soon discovered it had
crashed in a residential area near the intersection of Wyoming and
Tireman in Detroit.
The driver engaged in a
shootout with Dearborn police officers, state police said, and died of a
gunshot wound, although the cause of death has not been confirmed.
human remains found in the trunk of the car have not yet been
identified. A passenger in the vehicle was injured and transported to a
local hospital following the crash.
Dearborn police did not release any further information Sunday about the incident or the missing person case.
State police and Detroit police were at the scene
Sunday assisting Dearborn Police with the investigation. The area was
blocked off to vehicular traffic with police tape and residents were
encouraged to stay away.
An investigation into the incident is ongoing and information may change, state police said.
The body
found in the trunk of a vehicle that crashed at the border of Detroit
and Dearborn has been identified as a missing woman from Tennessee.
Michigan State Police have identified the woman found in the trunk, as well as the driver who was fatally shot after a chase and ended in a crash and a shooting on Sunday.
According to Michigan State Police
and the Murfreesboro Police Department, the woman found in the trunk of
the vehicle that crashed has been identified as Eleni Kassa, 31, who
was reported missing to Murfreesboro police on Nov. 18.
The driver of the vehicle has been identified as Dominique Hardwick, 36, of Lebanon, Tennessee.
Officials say that the autopsy results for Hardwick are consistent with a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
Murfreesboro police conducted a missing person’s investigation, which
revealed a possible domestic incident between Kassa and her girlfriend,
Passenger Drones? Israel’s National Drone Initiative Enters Second Phase
in January, 24 test flights will be carried out carrying heavy loads,
with the goal to enable the transportation of travelers.
third out of eight phases of the National Drone Initiative's pilot
project to create a national drone network, where amongst others the
drones would be able to deliver food and medicine through an
application, in Tel Aviv, on October 11, 2021
Israel’s National Drone Initiative has entered its second stage,
involving experiments with long-range aircraft carrying heavy loads, the
Israel Innovation Authority (IIA) announced on Thursday.
first stage, conducted in 2020-2022, involved more than 15,000 drone
flights in Israeli cities and 18 medical institutions, according to the
The focus during the initial stage was on security, photography,
transportation of medical equipment and the development of regulatory
and technological infrastructure. Numerous collaborations with public
entities were carried out, including the military, the police and the
Tel Aviv Municipality, the IAA said in a statement.
In the second
phase, scheduled to begin in January, a number of companies will carry
out 24 flights over the following two years with drones carrying heavier
loads—including some that in the future will be capable of carrying
The flights will be carried out under the auspices of
the Civil Aviation Authority of Israel, the Israel Air Force, the Israel
Airports Authority and other relevant regulatory bodies, according to
the statement.
“This very large demonstration will expand global
knowledge by executing simultaneous flights, including dozens of
unmanned drones carrying cargo and advanced drones with cutting-edge
technologies designed to carry passengers. The demonstration will
evaluate the technological maturity of such solutions in a controlled,
responsible, safety-first mindset,” the statement continued.
experiments will begin with limited flight tests over unpopulated areas,
with later flights taking place over sparsely populated areas.
continues to be a world leader in drone technology…Israel serves as a
model of a country that develops regulations and technologies to enable
the management and control of the operation of multiple drones for
various needs, and is rapidly approaching a continuous operating model
that will enable low-altitude flights throughout the country,” said IIA
CEO Dror Bin.
Nehemiah Shalem, acting director of the Civil
Aviation Authority of Israel, said that the organization was committed
to fully supporting all of the entities involved in the project.
the CAAI will promote the critical legislative actions required for
developing a thriving aviation industry that serves as a world leader
while never compromising on flight safety,” said Shalem.
Palestinian Activist Confirms Hebron Incident With Soldier Was Provoked for Video
confrontation was used to smear Israel internationally and boost the
lie of an oppressive “apartheid” style occupation.
By Baruch Yadid
An Israeli soldier is seen punching a left-wing activist in Hebron in the West Bank, November 25, 2022. “You’re a traitor to the country and you’re son of a whore, son of a
bitch. I wish you get cancer all over your body. Come on, get away from my post, fuck off,” another soldier is heard telling a Jewish left-wing activist.
A controversial video of an Israeli soldier in Hebron assaulting and
taunting a Palestinian was deliberately instigated, and more
provocations are coming, a prominent Palestinian activist admitted in
exclusive comments to Tazpit Press Service.
Two soldiers were
suspended by the IDF after they were filmed hitting and taunting two
left-wing activists in Hebron on Nov. 25. The visit of a delegation of
Israeli left-wing activists was organized by Issa Amro, a 42-year-old Palestinian from Hebron who founded Youth Against Settlements and is a prominent personality in the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions campaign against Israel.
Amro exclusively told TPS that the incident and video “is part of a
media protest campaign, which is being planned by Palestinian, Israeli
and international protest organizations against the Israeli government.”
sources in Hebron who talked to TPS described the incident as an
“ambush” for the Givati Brigade soldiers stationed in Hebron’s Jewish
enclave. The Palestinians stressed that the IDF has “no answer” for
these videos.
Amro confirmed to TPS that he filmed the video.
It is not uncommon for left-wing Israeli and Palestinian activists to
provoke confrontations with IDF soldiers for their anti-Israel media
The incident took place one week after thousands of Jews gathered in
Hebron and the adjacent Kiryat Arba community for the annual Sabbath
during which the Torah portion recounting Abraham’s purchase of the Tomb
of the Patriarchs is read. Amro told TPS that the tour he organized for
Jewish left-wing activists the following week was “in response to the
events that took place” in Hebron during that Sabbath and what he called
“the violence by settlers against Palestinian families.”
Amro also told TPS that Palestinians are preparing for more protests in Hebron and a social media campaign.
are organizing a wave of protest to ensure that this extreme right-wing
Israeli government will not be able to act,” he told TPS. “Activists
from international organizations have begun to arrive in the city in
preparation for the upcoming activity. We expect a very large wave of
violence in the city.”
The Palestinians are deeply suspicious of Itamar Ben-Gvir,
who will receive a cabinet position that includes oversight of Israeli
security forces in Judea and Samaria. On Friday, Ben-Gvir’s Otzma Yehudit
party signed an agreement with Likud stipulating that the party will be
given the position of Minister of National Security, which will be an
expansion of the powers held by the current Minister of Public Security.
Negotiations between Prime Minister-designate Benjamin Netanyahu and the other right-wing and religious parties remain bogged down.
intend to confront the Ben-Gvir government,” Amro insisted. “This is
not the Netanyahu government, but the government of Ben-Gvir and
Netanyahu and we will fight it.”
from a Jewish community nonprofit combing the internet’s deep web were
the first to detect a sinister plot to open fire on a New York
City synagogue, authorities said Monday.
Silber, executive director of the UJA Federation of New York’s
Community Security Initiative, said it was his group’s discovery of
worrisome tweets that sparked the investigation by the NYPD and FBI.
a lot of chatter on the internet,” Silber said at a City Hall news
conference where he was joined by Mayor Adams and NYPD Commissioner
Keechant Sewell. “One of the most difficult things is discerning what’s
just talk and what’s likely to turn to action.”
Christopher Brown and Matthew Mahrer, both 22, were busted at Penn Station late Friday night after Brown started posting his plans on his now-defunct Twitter account.
But their plot may have never been exposed, were it not for a deep dive by online security experts.
said his group’s analysts uncovered “some alarming texts from this
individual, talking about attacking synagogue, talking about 10 o’clock
at night, talking about dying by the police.”
Authorities used the information to avert a potential disaster and arrested the armed men — one of whom had Nazi insignia on him.
who possessed a “swastika” armband when he was caught, was charged with
making terroristic threats, harassment and weapons possession, said
police sources.
weapon found with the men was “a large 8-inch military-style knife,
with a blade longer than 4 inches,” according to the criminal complaint.
internet saga began about 10 a.m. on Friday when Community Security
Initiative agents came across Brown’s alarming tweets, police said.
Brown’s real name wasn’t known at the time, but the sleuths were able to
narrow down the threat to Nassau or Suffolk county, and alerted
authorities on Long Island.
By 2 p.m., it became clear that the posts were not just idle chatter, and the agents contacted the NYPD.
“We think this is really serious,” Silber recounted. “This isn’t just talk. The NYPD took it from there.”
By 9:30
p.m., authorities, issued a “be on the lookout” alert with a picture of
one of the suspects that cops received on their cell phones, and a full
manhunt was underway.
and Mahrer were arrested by “sharp-eyed MTA police officers,” Sewell
said. Besides the knife and gun, the pair also possessed a “30-round
magazine and several other items,” she said.
Silber said cops were grateful for his agency’s help.
“The Police Department is looking at a full spectrum of threats from far left to far right, QAnon and
everything in the middle. So oftentimes they do find this, as does the
FBI,” said, Silber, a former NYPD intelligence and terrorism expert.
have a narrower focus,” he continued. “Our focus is specifically on
threats to the Jewish community of Greater New York, so we’re
laser-focused on that. So we sometimes have a better shot at finding
that particular needle in the haystack.”