Thursday, November 17, 2022


By Bob Walsh

Governor Newsom signs gun safety legislation 

The CA state legislature and Governor passed AB2571 into law recently.  This bill is (in theory) an attempt to "protect" "children" from the evils of guns by prohibiting the "marketing" of firearms to minors, who can't legally buy them in the first place.  It is so stupid and broad-reaching that some of the more paranoid gun stores no longer permit minors in the store and clothing stores have taken firearms branded clothing out rather than risk the $25,000 per occurrence fine that they might incur.  The law is so badly written nobody can figure out exactly what it means so it could open people up to lawsuits if a "child" walked thru your store and picked up a baseball with Colt, Browning or Ruger embroidered on it.

The Sportsmen's Alliance, Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation and Safari Club International have filed in federal court to block the law under free speech grounds.

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