Wednesday, January 25, 2023


By bob Walsh


Image of the suspect                                                               Chunli Zhao in custody 


The two-location shooting in Half Moon Bay (CA) a couple of days ago was, while tragic, a work place violence issue.  The shooter, Chunli Zhao, 61, was located by the cops in the parking lot of the Sheriff's substation in San Mateo County.  Half Moon Bay is a small community of about 12,000.  It is an artist colony with a lot of quirky local agricultural business.  Normally their major crimes are pumpkin theft and goat rustling except for the one weekend a year when the have the Pumpkin Festival.  Then they have a lot of traffic issues and general assholeishness.  

He killed seven and wounded one more.  All but one were male.  He used a semi-automatic pistol which he purchased legally.  He worked in a mushroom harvesting operation.    

This was the third mass murder in CA in just a couple of weeks.  This was one.  One, in Gustine, was clearly a narco-gang hit.  The third, in LA at the Dance Studio on Lunar New Year, still does not have a clear motivation.  

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