Monday, March 13, 2023


By Bob Walsh

Farmington cops pulled Chase Allan over near the post office for driving without a license, but he refused to hand over his driver’s license.

Police body-worn camera footage shows officers hold up their weapons during the traffic stop on March 1, 2023, in Farmington, Utah.

Chase Allan eventually provided a passport, but refused to leave the car after a demand from the officer. 

Charles Allen (top) was killed by Farmington, Utah cops on March 1


David Chase Allen was pulled over by the cops in Farmington, Utah a few days back due to him having a counterfeit license plate on his vehicle.  He asserted that, as a sovereign citizen, he did not need no stinking drivers license or vehicle registration.  He was also clearly carrying a weapon.  Allen declined to get out of his vehicle and reached for the gun.  At that point the cop rehabilitated him.  There is body cam footage of the shooting and the bullshit leaving up to it.  

Allen's mother is suing the federal government over a similar interchange that did NOT end in gunfire.

1 comment:

Trey said...

Well, That's that.