Friday, April 21, 2023


By Bob Walsh


Antioch, CA Mayor Lamar A. Thorpe is pictured here with Antioch Police Department officers.17 Antioch cops are under investigation for sending racist memes and messages filled with slurs to each other between 2019 to 2021.

*Grabs from racist texts exchanges between Antioch Police Department officers*

In the 21-page report regarding the texts, Rombough notably continued to refer to black people as animals, allegedly calling black women “water buffalo” and men “gorillas.” 
Antioch, CA is a nice city in Contra Costa County in the San Francisco east bay area.  It has a bit over 115,000 population and is largely a bedroom community.  There is a really neat movie theatre there right on the edge of the water.  Very cool.

It also has some really stupid cops.

If the media is to be believed al most half of their 100-officer department, including Sergeants and Lieutenants, are a bunch of arrogant racist idiots.  There are 17 named individuals who have sent a LOT of really nasty racist and homophobic text messages back and forth between themselves on duty.  These texts have included things like wanting to bury niggers in the back yard and referring to Blacks as monkeys, gorillas and water buffalo.  

These texts have come up during a year-long investigation by the FBI and Contra Costa County D.A. into a shit-ton of offenses by members of both the Antioch and nearby Pittsburg police departments.  These go back at least until 2019 and involved, among other persons, the head of the Antioch police officer's association.  

It is unclear, at least from the news reports, whether or not these texts were sent on department devices, personal devices or MDT terminals in the vehicles.  

Antioch used to be mostly White but has changed in the last 20 years or so.  The Chief of Police is Black as are three members of the five-person city council.  The council approved unanimously of an audit of the department with the Chief's backing.  The public defender is asking that the D. A. shitcan pretty much any complaint filed by the Antioch P D against anybody who is not White.  

It is going to be nasty before it is all over.


Trey said...

Around 10 years ago a couple of members of our unit were invited to meet with the Sheriff. Seems IT caught some tasteless jokes and just all around stupid stuff on county computers and cell phones being passed around. I don't think it was racist but I heard it contained nudity. Every once in a while, something stupid would be sent to me. I just deleted it. If IT can see it, anyone can see it.

Gary said...

Seems like they did pay the cops to be racist in this case.