Saturday, June 15, 2024


By Bob Walsh


Rage Alex GIF - Rage Alex Jones GIFs

"Believe me, George Washington never crossed the Delaware, Abraham Lincoln was not assassinated, Hitler was a Jew, the Holocaust is a hoax, Lyndon Johnson shot JFK, Hillary Clinton is an illegal alien from Mars, and Donald Trump will pick my very dear friend Marjorie Taylor Greene as his VP."


Alex Jones is, by any reasonable definition, an arrogant blowhard.  He is or at least was a persistent conspiracy nutter who claimed the Sandy Hook shooting was in fact a hoax and caused the families of the people murdered there a lot of grief.  Enough that they sued him and won.  

A bankruptcy judge in Texas has directed that Jones may keep and operate his company, Free Speech Systems, but ordered that Jones liquidate all of his other assets to pay off his creditors.  The judge, Chris Lopez, asserted that allowing Jones to keep and operate the corporation was in the best interests of his creditors.  He also noted that it was time for the case to quit incurring costs and to settle up.  Among the assets he must dispose of is INFOWARS, the entity he used to attack the Sandy Hook families.

Jones is being allowed to retain his personal residence, worth about $2 million, but must liquidate his ranch, worth close to $3 million.

Among the theories pushed by Jones is the notion that the Newtown, CT. school shooting was a complete fabrication set up by the government and that the grieving parents and dead children were in fact actors.  

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That is one goofy f*cker. I don't have much use for him or the fact that he lives in Texas. (USA)