Monday, June 17, 2024


By Bob Walsh

Close up of cat face, eyes are wide
Since time immemorial civilized (and even uncivilized) humans have celebrated Midsummer's Day.  This year the solstice actually occurs on Thursday, June 20, at 1:51 p.m. Pacific Coast Time.  

To do it right you have to get up at sun-up and watch the sun come up over an uncluttered horizon, preferably following a night of drunken debauchery.  You should then sacrifice a goat, or a cat or some other useless creature to the sun god.  Cats are good. And you can find one pretty much anywhere.  If you nail them with a 12-gauge they will definitely bleed into the soil, which is the whole object of the exercise.  If you need some help with it, ask Kristi Noem how to do it.  It is good to stay on the right side of the sun god.


Anonymous said...

Make it sporting. At least use a rattlesnake. (USA)

bob walsh said...

Plus rattlesnake is good to eat. For that matter so is cat, but in CA it is specifically illegal to eat dogs, cats and other animals generally kept as domestic pets.