Monday, June 17, 2024


 By Bob Walsh

Last month the company successfully completed a test flight after loading a projectile into its prototype suborbital accelerator (pictured) and blasting it to space

Dizzying heights: California-based start-up SpinLaunch has built an alternative rocket launch system (pictured) designed to catapult spacecraft into orbit. The system works by attaching a rocket to a giant rotating arm in a vacuum-sealed centrifuge and spinning it at several times the speed of sound. It is then released and shoots towards space before returning to Earth

California-based start-up SpinLaunch has built an alternative rocket launch system (pictured) designed to catapult spacecraft into orbit. The system works by attaching a rocket to a giant rotating arm in a vacuum-sealed centrifuge and spinning it at several times the speed of sound. It is then released and shoots towards space before returning to Earth


I have to admit I have never heard of SpinLaunch and I try to keep track of the interesting techno-stuff related to space.  

They are a California company.  They have developed a centrifical launcher that can throw a 200 kilo satellite into low earth orbit with what is essentially an electrically powered catapult.  They have ten successful tests under their belt.

The device uses a 108 foot long rotating arm that spins as 5,000 mph.  (No, I haven't figured out what the rpm rate is on that.)  The satellites would be traveling at mach 6 when they come flying out of the contraption.  

The company is preparing for the actual launch of an actual satellite from it's site in New Mexico.  I will try to keep you posted. 


Anonymous said...

Neat. (USA)

bob walsh said...

The launch generates about 10,000 Gs on the item being launched. Really. That makes for some interesting technical specifications for the equipment being launched.