Friday, June 07, 2024


Records expunged for St. Louis couple who waved guns at protesters. They want their guns back


Associated Press

Jun 6, 2024


A husband and wife hold a pistol and a rifle as protesters walk past their house enroute to... 

A husband and wife were arrested for pointing a pistol and a rifle at George Floyd protesters who walked past their house enroute to St. Louis Mayor Lyda Krewson's home during a protest march in St. Louis on June 28, 2020. About 300 shouting protesters broke down a gate in the gated neighborhood to march past their home. No shots were fired and the protesters moved on. A judge has expunged their misdemeanor convictions. Now they want their guns back.  


ST. LOUIS — A judge has expunged the misdemeanor convictions of a St. Louis couple who waved guns at racial injustice protesters outside their mansion in 2020. Now, they want their guns back.

Attorneys Mark and Patricia McCloskey filed a request in January to have the convictions wiped away. Judge Joseph P. Whyte wrote in an order Wednesday that the purpose of an expungement is to give people who have rehabilitated themselves a second chance, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported. City prosecutors and police opposed the expungements.

Immediately after the judge’s ruling, Mark McCloskey demanded that the city return the two guns seized as part of his 2021 guilty plea to misdemeanor assault. Republican Gov. Mike Parson pardoned the couple weeks after the plea.

“It’s time for the city to cough up my guns,” he told the Post-Dispatch.

If it doesn’t, he said, he’ll file a lawsuit.

The McCloskeys said they felt threatened by the protesters, who were passing their home in June 2020 on their way to demonstrate in front of the mayor’s house nearby. It was one of hundreds of demonstrations around the country after the police killing of George Floyd in Minneapolis. The couple also said the group was trespassing on a private street.

Mark McCloskey emerged from his home with an AR-15-style rifle, and Patricia McCloskey waved a semi-automatic pistol.


bob walsh said...

They are probably in some cop's personal gun collection by now, or destroyed.

Anonymous said...

They were stupid for stepping outside carrying weapons. Stay inside. Your safer and home invasion crooks can be shot. (USA)

Anonymous said...

Following up on shooting thieves or trespassers. I have watched a person pull the door handle on my Jeep at night via camera. I didn't run out and attempt to subdue him because I pay for homeowners insurance and car insurance. Besides I also pay for security cameras that recorded the incident. Had I run out and confronted him it may have turned into a deadly confrontation with some neighborhood kid. To clarify: Simply because you can probably use deadly force doesn't mean deadly force has to be applied.

Protecting your family and yourself is altogether something else. In Texas, The Castle Doctrine is King. Home invasion usually comes with a severe and final penalty. (USA)