Wednesday, October 09, 2024


Trial set for Dickinson man accused of brutal jailer assault


By B. Scott McLendon 


Galveston County Daily News

Oct 8, 2024 


A Dickinson man accused of severely beating a Galveston County jailer in 2022 is set to stand trial Wednesday.

Alexander Castro, 20, is charged with aggravated assault against a public servant in connection to an attack on deputy Deonza Henry Oct. 2, 2022, according to court records.

Although Henry has since physically recovered from the attack, Castro faces life in prison, according to the Texas Penal Code.

At about 6:30 a.m. on Oct. 2, 2022, Henry opened a cell door to deliver food to the inmates when he was attacked by Castro, who is 6 feet, 3 inches tall and at the time weighed 280 pounds, Sheriff Henry Trochesset said at the time.

Henry, who was 46 and only had been with the department for a month at the time of the attack, required head staples, Trochesset said Tuesday.

Castro, a Dickinson resident, originally was charged for an assault bodily injury against a family member and was being held on $1,500 bond when he attacked the deputy, according to jail records.


Anonymous said...

I wasn’t selected but was part
Of jury selection on this. Defense attorney wouldn’t stipulate where he works or who is paying him. And he used a court appointed lawyer to try to show this kid as needy while the kid was in expensive clothes with an expensive haircut and shave coupled
With weight

Anonymous said...

Expensive? I was there too (also not picked), but none of what he was wearing looked expensive. Same with the haircut. Aside from the weight loss, he didn't look that different from his mug shot.

The Defense attorney said he wasn't allowed to say if he was a public defendant or not, which makes sense as it would potentially prejudice the jury to know he didn't choose to defend the man.

That said, now knowing the details, I hope the jury convicts, but I doubt they'll push for life.