Monday, October 14, 2024


 By Bob Walsh


Kamala Harris and Donald Trump


In 21 days one of two things will almost certainly be true.  One possibility is that Kamala Harris will descend into well-deserved political obscurity.  Another is that Donald Trump will.  

Only one time previously has a president served two non-consecutive terms in office.  That was Grover Cleveland about 100 years ago.  I hope Trump does it as well.  For one thing I now have $100 riding on it.  (My GF believes that Trump will lose BADLY to Kamala.  I now think that he is reasonably likely to pull out a win, possibly by the skin of his teeth.)

If Kamala wins, and if she manages to hold on to the Senate and maybe win the house, she will certainly be a transformative candidate-president.  She will transform the country into a third world shit hole, even more than it is now.  We will be even more overrun by illegal aliens, who she will work as hard as she possibly can to get them citizenship and voting rights and free government money.  It is, after all, relatively easy to run as Santa Claus if you have a bottomless purse.  

If Trump wins, I hope he manages to curb his spending.  Most of his policies I like, partly because I just like them and partly because they have worked in the past.  We can, however, do without the heavy, heavy government spending.  At some point the bill becomes due.  

In many ways it is easier to run than to govern.  You don't have to actually DO anything, you just promise to do stuff.  It's easier for Trump as he has a record of actually doing stuff.  It's harder for Kamala because she has never done shit.  

One of the things she WANTS to do is end the Electoral College.  She can't do that with a magic wand but she could get the ball rolling and give it a big push.  If that happens (unlikely in the extreme in my own humble opinion) the country will be run by California and New York.  

The government will have more and more control over EVERY aspect of our lives, including what we are encouraged to think and what we are allowed to say.  The government will be able to seize property merely because you are not using it "correctly."  This would include intellectual property.  I am not imagining this.  Kamala has said so.  You won't NEED your guns, so you will lose your guns.  It will be harder and harder and more and more expensive to buy arms and ammunition, and how much you can own will be controlled by the government.  (Why should ANYBODY have more than two or three boxes of ammo?  What are you going to do with that much ammo?)

Freedom and liberty or servitude and control.  Which is it going to be?  

Decisions are made by those who show up. 

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