Saturday, October 05, 2024


By Bob Walsh


Kamala Harris is sworn in as vice president during the 59th Presidential Inauguration at the U.S. Capitol in Washington, Wednesday, Jan. 20, 2021. (Andrew Harnik/AP)

Monday, January 20, 2025 


We are 30 days out as I pound this out on the computer.  I would like to think that the coming contest will be a replay of the blowout of 1984.  Ain't gonna happen.  I hope to hell it isn't the fizzle of the vaunted no-show Red Wave of two years ago.  I am trying to be expectant.  I will settle for hopeful.

Trump overperformed the polls in both 2016 and 2020.  Kamala is underperforming many of Biden's numbers from 2020 in leaked internal polling and even public polls.  In addition for whatever reason polls tend to over-sample Democrats for whatever reason.  

At this stage unless a real, honest to god October Surprise hits there will be very little changing of minds.  Very few people are legitimately undecided right now.  I would also venture to say that Trump still has serious momentum within his crowd, while Harris is getting the "at least she isn't Trump" crowd.  That is, however, not a small number of people.  It looks like Trump's Buter PA #2 is going to be a HUGE success.  It also looks like Kamal may get splashed by some of the mud from what looks like a Helene cluster-fuck.  Even if it really isn't, it kinda-sorta LOOKS like it is,  That is what is important.  

Kamala STILL isn't giving any real answers, and is getting damn few real questions.  Joe is still talking about how Kamala was glued to his hip during the last 3 1/2 years.  It is beginning to look more and more like that is NOT a wonderful place for her to be. Joe is still looking like an idiot most of the time.  His "what storm" response yesterday didn't earn him any brownie points.

The teamsters and the firefighters sitting it out hurt Kamala.  The longshoremen going back to work help.  Of course that might simply be a non-negative and not a positive.  Astute watchers will remember Joe saying that he viewed it as a labor relations issue and intended to not jump in with the force of government.  

It still looks like the election will be decided by fewer than 100,000 total votes in seven or fewer states.  Michigan is actually looking pretty good for Trump.  Pennsylvania is still looking decent.  Arizona is looking very good.  Georgia and North Carolina are looking good, with some caveats.  If FEMA continues to screw the pooch that will help Trump.  It will be interesting to see what effect the storm has on the voting process.  It may take an EXTRAORDINARY EFFORT to get to the voters in W. Virginia, Tennessee. Georgia and N. Carolina.  What will the authorities, and maybe eventually the courts, do if it looks like people physically are not allowed to vote due to the storm?  

Just one perverse question.  Do you think that if Kamal loses Joe will step down so that Kamala can semi-legitimately be the first female president, due 100% to the goodness of his soul?  I kinda doubt it.  From what I hear he (and Jill and Hunter) regard her and her peeps as a bunch of backstabbing asswipes.

Damn, politics is fun.  VOTE EARLY AND OFTEN.  The Republic is at stake.  (That middle part is just a joke.  Probably.)     

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