Biden unleashes foul-mouthed barb at reporters amid controversy over mental decline
By Brittany Chain
Daily Mail
Jan 5, 2025

Joe Biden snapped at reporters who asked him a question about his age amid increasing concern over his mental decline.
Biden, at age 82, is the oldest living President following Jimmy Carter's death last month.
His cognitive decline has been on display for the world to see during his four years in the top job with a seemingly never-ending series of blunders and mishaps.
When probed on Sunday, the President was filmed responding sharply to reporters.
'My being the oldest president, I know more world leaders than any of you have ever met in your whole godd*mn life,' he said.
His comment immediately sparked a wave of criticism.
Some Conservatives were upset that the President 'took the Lord's name in vain like it was nothing', while others said the takedown was 'embarrassing.'
Biden has been forced to swat away rumors about his mental health throughout his presidency, but particularly in the last 18 months.
Veteran CBS News reporter Jan Crawford went so far as to describe Biden's cognitive decline as the most underreported story of 2024.
She said 'Biden's obvious cognitive decline that became undeniable in the televised debate. Unquestioned.'
Crawford slammed his advisers for insisting that Biden, 82, could 'still run' for re-election, despite their efforts to hide his apparent mental incompetence, and argued that if journalists had 'more forcefully questioned' his fitness there may have 'primary for the Democrats'.
Just hours prior to his bizarre comments to journalists, he bungled a rendition of Happy Birthday after he invited a young man on stage to celebrate.
Biden was singing into a microphone as a crowd full of people watched when he suddenly forgot the man's name - and the lyric - leading to an awkward gap in the song.
The man took the gaffe well, laughing it off as Biden's voice trailed off at the part of the song he didn't know, before picking up again for the end of the song.
'Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday to...,' he sung into the microphone.
Video of the blunder has now gone viral, prompting critics to brand the President an 'embarrassment' and begin a countdown for Donald Trump's inauguration.

The President, 82, after inviting a young man on stage to celebrate, was singing Happy Birthday into a microphone in front of a crowd full of people when he forgot the man's name, leading to an awkward gap in the song
'Biden brought a guy on stage to sing happy birthday to him... The problem is he either doesn't know his name or forgot it... and mumbled nonsense instead,' one wrote.
'Joe Biden has no clue who he’s singing happy birthday to, this administration is a joke,' another added.
The president's health has been back in the news since The Wall Street Journal published a story on December 19 on how aides dealt with a 'diminished' president throughout his entire term.
The report revealed that aides would have to repeat obvious instructions to Biden – such as where to exit a stage, scrapped meetings on his 'bad days', and kept him at arm's length from his own Cabinet members.
Biden allegedly leaned on a close circle of unelected advisers and officials who had been put into roles usually occupied by the president.
The administration would also gaslight those who dared to claim Biden's abilities had deteriorated since he was Barack Obama's vice president, according to the report.
At the same time, press aides who were tasked with compiling news clips were instructed by senior staff to leave out any negative stories about the president.
His term was riddled with embarrassing gaffes and blunders, including introducing Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as 'President Putin' at the NATO summit in July, bumping into flagpoles and falling off bikes.
Let's face it Biden is half brain-dead. He has Irish Alzheimers. Forgets everything except the grievances (real or imagined).
Biden gets what he deserves. He weaponized the DOJ against a former President. IMHO he should be in jail along with other members of the alleged Biden Crime Family. President Trump won the electorate and the popular vote because the voters saw through the corruption and liberal media. His own political party turned on him after lying about his mental state for 3 1/2 years. As we say in Texas, He's as greasy as fried lard.
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