Kids are naturally unhappy with the new curfew law and some mothers worry they will be fined, but child advocates are outraged, claiming the law will ‘criminalize children’
From CBS DC, here is Baltimore’s tough new curfew law:
Children younger than 14 will need to be accompanied by an adult between the hours of 9 p.m. and 6 a.m. year-round. Teens between 14 and 16 must be accompanied by an adult from 10 p.m. to 6 a.m. on weeknights during the school year, and from 11 p.m. to 6 a.m. on weekends and during the summer months. The pre-existing daytime curfew has also been amended to extend from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. during the school year. It was previously 9 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
After one curfew violation, a child’s parents or guardians may be issued a civil citation or be required to attend family counseling. If counseling sessions are not completed, or if a child has repeated violations, parents or guardians may be subject to a civil citation or a misdemeanor, which carries a fine of up to $500 and community service.
Youth found in violation of the curfew will be taken to Youth Connection Centers, which are operated through the partnership of the Mayor’s Office on Criminal Justice, the Baltimore Police Department, the Department of Social Services and the Baltimore City Public School System.
When a child under the age of 13 is taken to a center or when any child’s parent or guardian cannot be located, the Baltimore City Department of Social Services’ Child Protective Services division will be notified.
I can understand why the kids are unhappy since they’ve been used to staying out during all hours of the night. And I can understand why the mothers who are letting those kids run lose are worried about that $500 fine. It is also true that the new curfew law will impact black and Latino families more than the families of white kids. But it’s primarily in high crime minority neighborhoods where kids are running loose on the streets way past their bedtime.
However, the claim that the new law will ‘criminalize children’ is utterly absurd! First of all, staying out during all hours of the night leads many kids to commit crimes, including violent crimes. The new law is designed to prevent this. And the kids caught violating the curfew will not be taken to a juvenile delinquent detention facility. They will be taken to Youth Connection Centers where they will stay only until picked up by a parent or other responsible party.
My hat is off to the Baltimore mayor and city council for passing a reasonable and realistic crime prevention law. Other cities would be well advised to pass tough curfew laws in the mold of Baltimore’s new law.
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