Thursday, August 21, 2014


Gov. Jay Nixon demands a vigorous prosecution to achieve justice for the Brown family

‘Kl2008a’ said Officer Wilson is toast. I am sorry to say that kl is not exactly right. He should have said that Wilson is burned toast.

On Tuesday night, Gov. Jay Nixon released a five-minute televised statement on the Michael Brown shooting. Here is an excerpt of that statement:

Ten days ago, a police officer shot and killed Michael Brown, in broad daylight.

We have a responsibility to come together to do everything we can to achieve justice for this [the Brown] family.

A vigorous prosecution must now be pursued.

The governor, in concert with the black community, has decided that Officer Darren Wilson is guilty of murder.

Further proof of a rush to judgment is the fact that a grand jury is set to hear this case shortly., perhaps even before the end of the week. Normally, it would be several weeks before a grand jury would get a deadly police shooting case, and then only after a thorough detailed investigation had been completed. And while the St. Louis County prosecutor’s office has said that Wilson would be given the opportunity to appear before the jury, the prosecutor does not have to call for the testimony of any witnesses in Wilson’s behalf. And if there are only witness testifying against Wilson’s version of what happened, the poor bastard is certain to be indicted for murder.

But suppose that by some miracle Wilson is not indicted, or if tried is acquitted, then what happens to the officer? There is no way he will ever be able to work in Ferguson again. And no law enforcement agency in the U.S. would dare to hire him, despite the fact that his police record before the Brown shooting is an outstanding one.

No matter how this drama ends, Darren Wilson's police career is over and done with. That’s why Wilson is burned toast.

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