Monday, January 04, 2016


Jackson Ward 3 Councilman Kenneth Stokes isn't backing down after suggesting residents throw rocks, bricks and bottles at police officers News
January 2, 2016

A Mississippi lawmaker isn't backing down after suggesting residents throw rocks, bricks and bottles at police officers.

Jackson Ward 3 Councilman Kenneth Stokes said Friday that he wasn't trying to incite a riot when he made his feelings known about officers from jurisdictions who chase misdemeanor suspects into the city, according to The Clarion-Ledger.

"My position is this: When you have these police officers coming from other jurisdictions and they will not respect human life, then I said we should use rocks, bricks or bottles to try to get the message over: stop endangering our children," Stokes told the newspaper. "Now I have supported police officers in police departments all over this state from when I was a (Hinds County) supervisor when we voted for new cars and equipment for police officer. I opened and closed the last council meeting an honor of an officer who had died. I have named streets after officers in this city."

Stokes' remarks were in response to a reported high-speed police pursuit in Jackson on Christmas Eve involving police officers from surrounding areas.

"These kind of chases put children in danger," Stokes said. "They said parents were trying to get their children out of harms way. Now, it is our position that if it is a misdemeanor, you shouldn't be putting children and the elderly in danger."

Madison County Sheriff Randy Tucker said in a Facebook post to Stokes that law enforcement will not be intimidated by him.

"Any Madison County law enforcement that is attacked because your ignorant statements, I will hold you responsible," he wrote. "I fully intend to contact the MS Attorney General and inquire if your statements constitute assaults on officers by threat."

Jackson Mayor Tony Yarber said that while there is a need to demand respect of jurisdictional boundaries, he would never condone violence against police.

EDITOR’S NOTE: It is unrealistic to expect officers from jurisdictions outside the City of Jackson to stop a police chase when it reaches the city limits. Whether or not they should be chasing a misdemeanant is another matter. News failed to mention that Councilman Kenneth Stokes is an African-American. While he has a good point in saying that cop car chases endanger innocent lives, Stokes was clearly out of line with his dangerous call for the cops to get pelted with rocks, bricks and bottles. How would he like it if people were to throw rocks, bricks and bottles at him?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

While I strongly disagree with Councilman Stokes asking citizens to assault police, I do think officers pursuing misdemeanor criminals should not put other at risk.

This happens all too often. I have listened to high speed pursuits that are not justified. This is especially true when the suspect is known to the pursuing officer.

Get a warrant and turn it over to the warrant division. Chances are they will arrest the suspect without incident at his job or home.