Saturday, August 06, 2016


By Bob Walsh

The San Francisco Peace Officers Association publishes a monthly journal. This month has a photo in it (on the back page) with two very cute Labrador retrievers, one black and the other white. The black one has a sign around its neck that reads BLACK LABS MATTER. The white one has a similar sign that reads ALL LABS MATTER. The BLM psychopaths are reacting like there was a picture of Marilyn Mosby being sodomized by a donkey on the front page.

In addition SFPD Sgt. Yulanda Williams, president of the Officers For Justice, a group of non-white SFPD officers, asserted, “It’s so inflammatory, and they still don’t get it.”

Anand Suibramanian, the executive director of a panel of retired judges investigating bias within the SFPD (not alleged bias, the bias is being taken for granted) asserted, “It shows a sever lack of judgement and empathy for the real and justified pain and outrage that black communities are feeling.”

Far as I am concerned the BLM stooges are a bunch of dog haters with no sense of humor and they can go fuck themselves.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

My Black Lab Luke was offended that Officers for Justice were offended. Where does it stop. Of course Luke has always been politically correct.