Friday, August 12, 2016


By Bob Walsh

A 14-year-old moron in L.A. is never going to see 15, thanks to his own stupidity.

The cops showed up to answer a tagging complaint when the 14-year-old, who may or may not have been a suspect in the tagging beef, ran off and opened fire on the cops in Boyle Heights on Tuesday.

Both officers and at least one witness reported the kid opened fire on the cops. Neither officer was hit and the kid was shot to death by another officer who rounded a corner at the scene and saw the kid.

A second youngster was taken into custody at the scene. The cops are not saying yet whether or not either one of these misunderstood youths are members of a gang.

EDITOR’S NOTE: As a card-carrying member of the Hug-A-Thug Coalition, I condemn this senseless killing of a young boy of color by trigger happy killer cops, especially since you pointed out he was a “moron.” Had this been a white boy his case would have been handled by a mental health unit accompanied by a social worker.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see the Hug-A-Thug card.