Tuesday, August 14, 2018


Stand-Your-Ground law does not stand in this case, DA decides

by Bob Walsh

The Pinellas-Pasco State Attorney (local prosecutor) Bernie McCabe announced on Monday that they have filed charges against Michael Drejka, 48, for the shooting death of Markels McGlockton, 28, in a Florida parking lot a couple of weeks back. Drejka is now in custody pending $100,000 bail.

The S.O. had originally declined to arrest Drejka citing Florida's Stand-Your-Ground law. There is some excellent surveillance footage of McGlockton knocking Drejka on his ass in the parking lot without legal justification. He was pissed because Drejka was rawjawing his baby mama over illegal parking in a handicap parking space. Drejka was about 12 feet from McGlockton when the shot was fired.

The facts are not truly in question. The issue is whether or not Drejka's action was reasonable under the circumstances.


Dave Freeman said...

I dunno. Some guy half my age and twice my size knocks me to the ground and is standing over me...I might just shoot him too. It will be interesting to watch this play out.

BarkGrowlBite said...

Dave, the problem Drejka has is twofold. First he was pushed down, not knocked down. There is a distinctive difference between the two. And then, as the video shows, McGlockton just stands still about 10 feet from Drejka when the latter shot him.

It sure seems to me like Drejka was pissed off and not in fear of his life when he started shooting.

Look for a jury to move Drejka's residence to the Florida Graybar Hotel.

Trey Rusk said...

50/50 chance. I would hire a good attorney and a make up artist to make me appear old and decrepit.

bob walsh said...

If the unedited surveillance shows McGlockton closing on Drejka, I would say that Drejka has a fair case. If he is standing still or even moving back, not so much. That being said if both participants were the same color I don't think this would have gotten to this point. This is, IMHO, largely a PC prosecution. I wonder if the trial will be moved?