Saturday, August 17, 2019


by Bob Walsh

The G has a limited sense of humor about some things. This is one of them.

About ten months ago the Jimmy Kimmel anti-Trump show on ABC ran its usual anti-Trump diatribe, using the Emergency Alert tone three times during the bit, sort of like punctuation. This is a very serious no-no, which the tech people attached to the show should have known. I guess they were so carried away by the wonderfulness of the idea in general that their brains slid into neutral.

In any event the FCC has just fined ABC $400,000 dollars for this rather egregious violation of broadcast standards. Too bad they can't make Kimmel pay it personally.

Late night TV is no longer even remotely amusing. It has turned into a political extension of the Democrat party, and a not very funny political extension at that.


Trey Rusk said...

I haven't watched a late night talk show since Leno left.

bob walsh said...

Late night TV is now longer light, amusing entertainment. it is a non-stop political barrage. I can get that from the MSM any time during the day.