Wednesday, February 19, 2020


by Bob Walsh

Mini-Mike Bloomberg will be on the stage at the Nevada debate this evening, having successfully purchased his way into the contest. National polling shows him #2 behind Crazy Bernie. That fact, however, is less than fully helpful since we do NOT elect national officers on a national basis. They are elected in 50 state races (plus D.C. and various territories). He isn't doing nearly that well in any state level race.

It is expected that Bernie, Amy, Joe and probably the others too will attempt to kick the shit out of Mini-Mike on the basis of his record of fairly recent public pronouncements, that can only be reasonably described as incredibly arrogant and condescending to damn near everybody.

There is still the general belief that there is no way in hell that the Bernie Bros would support Mini-Mike, and a strong belief that the democrat establishment will do practically everything they can short of buying a hit on him to keep Bernie off the ticket.

Bloomberg's people have floated the idea of Hillary or even Michelle Obama as his #2. So far, neither of them seem interested but you never know. If they really believe he could do it they might bite.

It will be interesting to see how Bloomie does on Super Tuesday, and if Old Joe and Pocahontas are still vertical by that time.

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