Wednesday, May 06, 2020


by Bob Walsh

Some of this makes sense to me, some of it doesn't. The NRA is cancelling their yearly convention and many of their upcoming sponsored competition shoots. I understand that and it makes sense.

They are, however, cutting back on staff salary and laying off staff. I don't understand that. The NRA does not, as far as I know, get significant income from selling stuff. They sell memberships, which tend to be yearly or longer. I fail to see how the current situation cuts into their income a lot. I am aware of the internal issues within the NRA. Many people do not like the way the organization has been headed for the last several years and want the organization to get back to its roots.

I have no guess as to how this will work out. I just hope the organization itself survives. They do EXCELLENT work in some of their areas of expertise.

EDITOR'S NOTE: When in 1984 Wayne LaPierre opposed a ban on cop killer bullets, I withdrew my membership in the NRA.

1 comment:

Trey Rusk said...

I left them years ago because of Wayne La Pierre. I even refused a competition shoot certificate from a local range because the certificate came from the NRA. The NRA is about the NRA. They claim to like cops but the truth is La Pierre has made some pretty bad statements about cops. He declared himself King and I won't send them a dime.