Wednesday, June 17, 2020


by Bob Walsh

Former police officer Joseph James DeAngelo, 74, has agreed to plea out to keep himself off of death row.

DeAngelo was originally tripped up by a matchup on a genetic family match site.  He has been charged with a number of rapes and murders in several areas of California.  

For some reason I don't fully understand the deal was supposed to be kept on the QT until the court hearing at the end of this month.  

DeAngelo's crime spree ran from 1973 thru 1986 that they know of.  DeAngelo had been a cop in Auburn until 1979 when he was fired for shoplifting.  He had never been a suspect in any of the crimes prior to the DNA hit.

There is one thing I think is odd.  Considering the political climate in the formerly great state of California he might very well be better off taking the death penalty instead of avoiding it.  Death row is MUCH nicer than mainline GP and his chances of actually being executed for his crimes are essentially zero.

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